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Restoration Questions on my 37-116 - Printable Version

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RE: Restoration Questions on my 37-116 - 462ron - 12-11-2014

Thanks for your input Morzh and Phlogiston. The first part of that switch for the mag tuning is fine but the second part that operates the lights is burned and melted, far beyond dirty contacts. I am taking a chance on combo pot/switch from eBay. Looks like I might be able to dissect it for the switch, looks like it might fit, will have to wait for the mailman now.


RE: Restoration Questions on my 37-116 - 462ron - 12-19-2014

Contacted Mark Oppat about this mag tuning switch or parts for it but no response yet. Anyway, I fird the set up yesterday and it sings...yay! With the hack job that was done on it previously I am surprised it worked first time. Only problem is band #2 doesn't work, bad oscillator coil. Tried rewinding it, it was my first attempt at rewinding a coil ever so I wasn't surprised that it didn't take. I am going to give it another go and see if I have any luck second time around. As far as the mag tuning switch goes, if I am reading the schematic right, ,it looks like the second section of this switch operates the pilot lights. It seems strange to me that they would want to tie the lights on and off function with the magnetic tuning?


RE: Restoration Questions on my 37-116 - thirtiesradio - 12-20-2014

The band 2 coil seems to be a common problem in these sets. Looks like your getting things worked out.
Good luck!

RE: Restoration Questions on my 37-116 - 462ron - 01-23-2015

Well success! It took me 3 times rewinding band #2 oscillator coil but it finally works. Phew! I never rewound a coil before and this one had to be my first. I'm sure it is off somewhat because I had to back off the trimmer cap all the way to align it and it still wasn't enough. I changed item #42x a 600 pf mica to a 470 pf unit then realigned it and now the trimmer is well within range. All that is left to do on this 37-116 is replace a defective mag tuning/pilot light switch if I ever locate one and some cabinet refinishing this summer.


462ron - 462ron - 02-20-2022

Hi gang, resurrecting my old thread on my 37-116 deluxe. I still haven’t got around to refinishing the cabinet, hoping for this year. So I plugged in the chassis to play it, haven’t done that in awhile and noticed the that some stations aren’t lining up on the dial like they should. I’ve tried realigning it but have the same problem, tracking seems to be depending where on the dial. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that maybe my reproduction dial is off compared to the original..27-5207. So with using a compass like a pair of dividers, I measured the distance between several numbers on the dial and when comparing it to the old original dial, it is off. In some areas, the worst I saw was nearly 30KC. No wonder it doesn’t track well. Anyone else run into this?


462ron - 462ron - 04-19-2024

Hi all, resurrecting this thread on my 37-116 that I started around 10 years ago. I finally got around to refinishing the cabinet after putting it off for so long. Ran out of good weather last fall so will resume soon. I drug the chassis out that I finished way back when to give it a try. What I found was the oscillator alignment for the AM broadcast bad doesn’t track well. I originally thought the replacement dial was off somewhat from the original but it’s too much now. I can get the alignment at the high end for 1500kc and the low end at 580kc spot on per instructions but when I tune in a local station at 830kc it comes in at well over 900kc. A station at 1060 is similarly way off. All this was with AFC turned off. I hate to mess with the mica caps but am considering replacing a few in the osc circuit with silver micas. I know I will need to realign the oscillator on all 5 bands if I do!


RE: Restoration Questions on my 37-116 - morzh - 04-19-2024

Well, Ron,

only so many resurrections can be survived, so you better finish it this time Icon_lol