The PHILCO Phorum

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Neat ad...
[Image: de77_1_sbl.JPG]
That is. I must admit, I've never been a fan of that cabinet design type.
A friend of mine has a 38-690 that he inherited from his father. With it, he has the little fold-out brochure for the '38 Philco line.

I was a kid in 1938, and the stores that had these sets in their windows had big cards with the slogan on them. I had to ask my folks what "squat" meant. I'd never heard it previously. Funny way to expand one's vocabulary.
My mother used to mention seeing that slogan as a kid, so apparently it was memorable. Whether it actually sold any radios I don't know. Some slogans don't. Who remembers the product associated with "That's a spicy meat-a-ball"?
Mamma Mia! Alka Seltzer Icon_twisted
Hello Exray,
well that is great ad and one big radio to.
sincerely Radio Rich
Neat ad, that looks like my 38-3

I like the design, and the set sounds really good.