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Good afternoon, I just got done restoring my Philco 37-116 radio this morning. I got this radio about 3 weeks ago and started working on it after I brought it home. The only flaw with the radio is the veneer is cracked across the curved top and I'm trying to figure out how to fix it as I am not an expert in woodworking. It is the code 126 chassis with the 6A5G output tubes instead of the 6B4G tubes normally found in this model. The restoration went well and all lamp sockets were rebuilt and all bakelite blocks stuffed and all 5 bands work including range 2 which usually has an open oscillator coil. I'm also obtaining the grille cloth and I'll refinish the cabinet as soon as the weather gets warmer. Next project, I'll be working on my Philco 38-1 as the automatic tuning mechanism is now sticking as I turn the dial.
WOW!!! What a beautiful console... Your so luck as to saved it. Enjoy it as much as you can....I wish I had one in my collection! A nice find and save indeed.... I am glad it found a Good home and you were able to save it from the scrap heap!    Icon_thumbup
Ken I also like the radios in you collection as seen in your postings.
If you are not a woodworker, you should look for another cabinet. Even replacing just the outer veneer completely is usually not enough to keep the crack from coming back in a year or two.
Thanks PhilcoJohn, I have other Philco radios 38-2670, 37-650X, 37-650B, 38-1XX, 41-285, 38-643B and other radios in my collection. I just got a Crosley 915 Clipper console recently I'll be working on soon.
Hi Russ, It does look like the veneer is going to be difficult to fix. There is a woodworking place that is near me that I may check out to see if they can fix the veneer damage and what the cost would be otherwise I'll try to fix it the best I can till I can get a replacement cabinet. I do like your website.  Ken
Thanks Ken.

A fill-and-sand job will also last about a year before the crack shows up again. The repair must include replacing the underlying material which is moving enough to crack the veneer. Most shops will not go to that extent and if they do it will be expensive. I actually found a replacement for my first 37-116 cabinet for the same reason. It was a lot easier and cheaper than trying to fix the old one.