The PHILCO Phorum

Full Version: 40-190 filter cap question
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This is part philosophy and part electronic. On this chassis, the one filter can is out in the open. The other one requires the PB coil assembly to be gently unbolted and lifted out of the way. I've done this before and it's no big problem. But, since I only re-stuff cans when there is a lack of space Icon_redface, in this case there's plenty of room. I like to solder a terminal strip to the top of the bottom of the filter can. (All very reversible). And in this case I could easily put both filters on top of the easily reached filter. This would just entail extending 2 of the 3 wires going to the other can. They're rubber and could be replaced anyway. What is electronically troubling about this? When I look at the wires on that can now, one goes to the speaker and all but rubs against a PB coil wire and another that goes to an output tube, also touched a PB coil. The third snakes along the chassis over to a terminal strip. So other than the philosophy issue, can I do this?
Assuming the job is done neatly and there is no danger of shorting something out, yes.