The PHILCO Phorum

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I've recently joined the Phorum and I thought I should say a small bonjour!

This looks like a great forum. I'm sure it will be helpful many times!

I'm a young french canadian collector and I only own one Philco in my 25 sets collection. It is the model 60B (early version). I hope to get into the restoration during spring. We'll see!

Here's my website, if you're interested. I own a few canadian sets (some are rare as hen's teeth) and american radios.

Have a nice day!
Bonjour, Felix-Antoine! Welcome! Icon_wave Icon_clap Icon_biggrin
Welcome! Glad to see you here!
Thanks guys!

PuhPow : PuhPow was the sound my 14 tubes Rogers did yesterday...

Plus some fireworks, of course...

LOL Icon_lol
Welcome to the Phorum!!!
Welcome , I think you will like it here.
Please post a schematic or link therero and specific questions you might have. Picture optional. But welcome!
If you need any help with some of your Canadian made sets I have worked on a fair number of Canadian makes and models over the years, especially C.G.E, RCA, Electrohome, and Rogers.
Ciao e benvenuto, Fegravel. Icon_smile
I don't know any French, ma parlo un po Italiano.
Thank you Philco people!
Bonjour!! Je'ne parle Fracaise mais un petit peur!! (Hope I wrote that correctly, it's been 38 years since French class!) Welcome to the phorum. Great people on this site, with tons of help to share. Take care, Gary
Terrific collection!!! I"m impressed!! And of course, welcome!

Welcome to your........Your forum...We are all here to help.
If we can help you, let us know what model you are working on, ( link or scematic to,) an what you wnt to know. Get used to advice to change all the elecrolytic and paper capictors and all (or out of range) or all just anyway carbon resistors before firing the set up again.

Best of luck.