The PHILCO Phorum

Full Version: Best Performing Philco of the 1939 through 1942 period?
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Of course, we all know what the best performing Philcos are from the 1928-1938 period, but what is the best performing Philco from the 1939-1942 model period? Seems Philco sold a lot of radios during this period, at least around my area, in spite of them dropping their high fidelity models. In fact, one thing that kinda kept me from Philco for a while is because all you ever saw around here was the same few, eight tube, 1940 though 1942 models. So, which is the best Philco from this period right before the war? Icon_smile
My vote is for the 41-300 and its siblings, 41-295 and 41-315.
Sad thing is: I could have had one of those a few or so years back when I bought that one RCA console and was given the 1962 Zenith console TV I still had. I wasn't able to look into the back and just thought it was an eight or nine tube chassis stuffed into an over-sized cabinet. Had I only known...
For me, anything working is a great performer.
Jayce - no worries, 41-295 sets come up for sale fairly often; 41-300s less so. 41-315 sets are probably the hardest to find of the three.
I agree with Ron on that, Jayce. I've had several service orders for 41-290, 295 etc. in just the last two weeks, various parts of the country.

They're out there . . .

Well, I might look for one once I come off my craigslist hiatus later on. Oddly, you rarely see one of those around my area. Now the 40-180, 41-280, and 42-380 series you see a lot, often over-priced. Good radios in their own right. I so far have a 40-180 (not working) and a 42-280 which does work...mostly. Almost had a beautiful looking 42-380, but I didn't want to pay the nearly $200 price tag!
I have to agree with Ron on the 41-315.
Hey Ron, did the 41-300 also come with the turntable or is that a different model #?
No, the closest thing to a 41-300 that came with a turntable is the 41-616. The 41-616 has two less tubes in the audio section but has additional tubes for the Mystery Control function, plus a phono preamp tube.
Thanks for the info. I'm dying to get my hands on one
AJ, is it a 41-616 that you're after? Good luck. They are very few and far between. I've only seen one 41-616 in my many years of collecting, and one or two of the similar 42-1016 sets. The 41-616 I saw is a set I used to own, and partially restored but never finished it. It sounded very good when I had it. I passed it on to a collector friend who, I believe, finished the work left undone by me.

The 1941 Philcos with thumbwheel controls and without record player (41-295, 41-300, 41-315) are much easier to find.
I've seen one 41-616 and it was local, I kicked myself in the butt for not jumping on it. I've seen numerous ones without the turntable like you said. Can those be programmed with the mystery control also?
Nope, the only 1941 Philco models to have Mystery Control are the 41-316 (no phono) and the 41-616 (with phono).
I like my 40-190, mostly for looks, but it works pretty good too.
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