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Mikes 70 DONE - Printable Version

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Mikes 70 DONE - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

I had posted about it but deleted it for some reason.

I am reposting but no long winded explanations.

Here is the 70:


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

took her apart due to a lot of rotting on the base and warping of the face.


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

Mike wants to keep her as original as possible so I am rebuilding the bottom but if it doesnt work out I will make a new one.

Am currently gluing the separated pieces back together.

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

I have stripped the cabinet while it is apart so all the nooks and crannies wont have and gunk.


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

I have pressed the face for a week and glued the broken parts of the grill.
Pressed for a few more days and she looks good. Just one minor veneer repair and I grain filled the face. Next I will add a second coat if necessary and then sand up to 2000 grit. The base will need new veneer also. It will mostly be under the new base molding he got from Steve? The arch support was at one time repaired...... POORLY
It is not strait but the added so much glue and NAILS! that I cant remove it without breaking the arch itself. I will have to figure something out with that.


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

Ok you are all up to date!

RE: Mikes 70 - morzh - 05-19-2014


Do we want to ask about the finish gloss type and such here?

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

Gloss hand rubbed as per our resident expert Icon_wink

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-19-2014

veneer is done on the grill and glued, clamped and now a day to dry. bottom is in the final glue stage also, nothing to do until tomorrow.

RE: Mikes 70 - morzh - 05-19-2014

Yeah, this is way above my league.

RE: Mikes 70 - Jamie - 05-20-2014

Looking great! That's a good job Kirk!.. I hope you guys are teaching each other all of your tricks. That's the only way this hobby will survive us, you know?

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-20-2014

Thanks, cabinets are a passion for me like electronics are for most of you.
If I don't do a perfect job then I won't display it... EVER!

I got to work on the cabinet today and I clamped the bottom and grill work. Matched the veneer and took care of the interior dark walnut in the grill work.
Bottom is solid and better than new. I added the veneer to the base of the dome on both sides and it is gluing till tomorrow. I coated the new trim but it is light so I will have to tone it dark before applying. Then I will fit the bottom and start grain filling the rest of the cabinet.


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-21-2014

Good morning collectors,

Today I have secured the bottom to the cabinet. I glued and used the original nails to secure it. Then I clamped her up and now I have to wait another day. I toned the face of the radio and began toning the bottom trim. The trim is new so it is giving me problems with color. It is not gining the right look so I will have to figure something out. I may have to strip it and try sealer first.


RE: Mikes 70 - morzh - 05-21-2014


there was some discussion of my cabinet before

Jamie put this notice:

>>>>Morzh, if you purchase that trim, be sure to ask Steve how well it takes toner. Most "new" wood that I have added to cabinets had to be sealed before toning. Otherwise, the new wood just soaks up the lacquer like a sponge. Steve will be able to guide you on how to make the trim match your cabinet when you start to add a finish.

By any chance this could be giving you grief?

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-21-2014

Yes I have stripped it and am going to seal it first. Ran out of sealer so off to the local hardware store.