RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 12-23-2019
You can listen to the audio in this video. Here, YouTube has no copyright claims.
Probably because he does not understand Hungarian and Romanian.
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
Steve Davis - 12-23-2019
Welcome back, we have missed you
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 12-23-2019
Thank you, Steve. I think there will be more free time in the winter and I will be interested in socializing with my colleagues.
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 01-27-2020
Demonstration of robotic automated systems Perpetuum Ebner Rex in the radio Blaupunkt. 1956 year
For more than 60 years, the apparatus, and it works like a Swiss watch ...
Демонстрация работы автоматического чейджера грампластинок Perpetuum Ebner Rex в радиобаре Blaupunkt. 1956 год
Больше 60 лет аппарату, а до сих пор работает четко как швейцарские часы...
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
Eliot Ness - 01-27-2020
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
Simon Wa3uay - 01-27-2020
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
morzh - 01-28-2020
If you spell "аппарат" with two "п"'s (I guess you used Ukrainian spelling) it will be then translated from Russian by Google as "Apparatus" (which is closer to what you want ) and not as "apartment" which is "квартира".
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 01-28-2020
Thank you, Michael. Now I will correct.
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 01-28-2020
Archive unpublished video ... Philips FS 631A Chairside Console, Coffee Table. First turn-on after purchase ... Admission to BC, Amateur and KW bands. The BC is quite strong interference, the "amateur" is empty), the KW - a fairy tale. "Turntable" is still not functional - no piezoelectric pickup ..

Can't find my family yet ...
Архивное видео из числа ранее не опубликованных ... Радиоконсоль Philips FS 631A в стиле чардсайд, "кофейный столик". Первое включение после покупки ... Прием на СВ, "любительском" и КВ диапазонах. На СВ достаточно сильные помехи, на «любительском» пусто), на КВ - сказка. "Вертушка" до сих пор нефункциональная - отсутствует пезоелетричний звукосниматель .. (( Найти родной пока не удается ...
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
Jake Blake - 01-28-2020
" 'Turntable' is still not functional - no piezoelectric pickup, . . . "
What an odd record changer. Hope you can replace the cartridge and get it working. I'd love to see it in action.
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 01-29-2020
Yes, Jake Blake. I also really want to do it. I have been looking for such a cartridge for two years, but it is not available. I realized that finding a stylus and cartridge for Phillips in the 50's is very difficult. I have another turntable from Phillips AG 1002 V and it also has a faulty cartridge.
I also need a cartridge or stylus for Garard R.S. 75, which I've also been looking for for three years. Accurate selection of cartridges is a big problem.
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 01-30-2020
Demonstration of the work of the changer of the DUAL 1005 phonograph player. This masterpiece is an amazing device that was installed in the no less masterful German radio console NordMende Arabella, model 59, the video of which I already posted about 4 years ago. The main feature of this device is a super-original system of automatics for determining the size of phonograph records and searching for the beginning of a track - with the help of a transverse graphite micro-roller and a mini-reset lever, which can no longer be found in changers of any other company in the world. In this connection, after launch, the tonearm first moves to the center of the disc and the end of the sound track, lowers onto the disc and then moves from the center to the edge of the disc and the beginning of the phonogram on the transverse roller. In the right place, the moment of fixation of which occurs very precisely and the principle of operation of which cannot be described in three words - the roller rises and the needle of the head lowers onto the track with a phonogram. I can only say that this is an exclusively mechanical reading system, the principle of operation of which and accuracy cause delight and sincere surprise. Watch and evaluate.
Демонстрация работы чейнджера автомата проигрывателя грампластинок DUAL 1005. Этот шедеврально удивительный девайс был установлен в не менее шедавральной немецкой радиоконсоли NordMende Arabella модели 59 года, видеоролик о которой я уже размещал года 4 назад. Главная особенность этого аппарата это супероригинальное система автоматики определения размера грампластинок и поиска начала трека - с помощью поперечного графитового микроролика и минирычажка сбрасывателя, чего больше не найти в чейнджерах никакой другой фирмы мира. В связи с чем тонарм после запуска сначала движется к центру диска и конца звуковой дорожки, опускается на диск и потом на поперечном ролике движется от центра к краю диска и начала фонограммы. В нужном месте , момент фиксации которого происходит очень точно и принцип работы которого трем словами не описать - ролик поднимается, а игла головки опускается на дорожку с фонограммой . Могу только сказать, что это исключительно механическая система считывания, принцип работы которой и точность вызывают восторг и искреннее удивление. Смотрите и оценивайте.
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
Jake Blake - 01-30-2020
You're correct. That is absolutely amazing!
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 02-10-2020
Fresh acquisition ... Here's a brief description of this radio on my YouTube channel and a translation from Google.
Quote:General Electric mod 150 portable lamp tube radio receiver. USA. 1951. Universal power supply - 110 volts from AC / DC mains or from batteries - anode 90 volts plus 9 volts incandescent batteries. Traditional for the USA in mass models is only the Broadcast range. Five radio tubes, but since the receiver is designed for long-distance reception, there is a cascade of high-frequency resonant amplifier. The rather stylish case is made of thick plastic and therefore is strong and definitely not fragile, as evidenced by the absence of chips and cracks with a large number of scratches and scuffs - the radio definitely did not lie on the shelf.). And despite its portable status, the receiver is quite large in size and has a very large battery compartment, which means it is designed for high-capacity batteries and long battery life from one set. From which we can conclude that the main audience of buyers of this device is active traveling youth and tourists. Thanks to a large loop antenna and an RF amplifier, the receiver has high sensitivity with a low level of interference and a long range of reliable reception, which is of great importance for tourism. A brief user manual is glued on the left wall ... and an unobtrusive advertisement from the manufacturer on the right, which recalls that the device works best with radio tubes from General Electric. )) A sufficiently powerful, sensitive and relatively large speaker with an amplifier power of up to 300 MW provides a sufficient level of volume in traveling conditions, which also contributed to the popularity of this device. But what is most striking about most American portable radios is the fully shielded chassis, which, coupled with a loop antenna, reliably protects against interference. There is one controversial solution - if there is a UHF cascade, only a two-section KPI is used in the radio path, without a section in the mixer, but this is much better than the aperiodic non-resonant UHF, as for example in our VEF Tourist. The traditional one-cycle VLF produces 270 mW of rated power, and this is more than enough for a portable. In the "basement" of the chassis in all American radios it’s half empty - why it’s difficult to do, if it can be done simply. )) But it’s reliable .... Well, the traditional two handles in operation - everything ingenious is simple. ) Therefore, it is not very surprising that this receiver in its almost 70 years turned out to be almost completely operational ...
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! -
RadioSvit - 02-15-2020
In this video I demonstrate the reception of radio stations in my area - high mountains on three sides ...
Portable tubular radio receiver General Electric model 150. Reception per day on Brodcast waves. Power supply from AC 220 volts through the step down transformer 220/117 volts.
Once again he was convinced that the frame antenna and high-frequency cascade work wonders ... Just five meters behind the wall at the same time the computer works - in such conditions reception on other radios is impossible at all or is conducted against the background of constant howling, whistling and gurgling...