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The list of my radio & TV collection! - Printable Version

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RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - MrFixr55 - 07-25-2020

OOps, this may have belonged to RadioSvit's previous thread.  Sorry, new to this site.

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 07-25-2020

Quote:Great Collection RadioSvit!! .....

Prayers for peace in your region!

Thank you very much. Peace in the country is exactly what we lack now and which is a necessary condition for further expansion of the collection ...

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 07-25-2020

Fresh acquisition, - RCA 9K radio console, USA 1936.
Despite the severely damaged exterior, the chassis and speaker were in an authentic original condition, and the functional state was at the highest level. It’s even hard to believe that the radio is already 84 years old. And interestingly, this is not the first time I've been seeing such metamorphoses with the amazing durability of American radio technology.
First impressions of the quality of the radio reception ... At short wavelengths, it is beyond praise, on the MW and LW bands - strong interference from household appliances operating in the house, but I did not expect anything else. All the same, this is the first test of performance, without any preparation and not for comparisons with other similar radios.


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 08-31-2020

Old music on an old radio. VEF Accord and modern electro blues.1954

The old VEF Accord radio tape is banal and impersonal, but how mentally it plays the blues! Heart

[Video: http://]

Yeah. I know ... When shooting a video, walking in front of the radio so that your belly is reflected in its scale is not necessary at all ... Icon_mrgreen Icon_lol Sorry.

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - KCMike - 08-31-2020

Very nice Icon_thumbup Icon_thumbup

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 09-01-2020

Thank you , KCMike. Icon_wave But I like this kind of music better. Icon_wink

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - TTech - 09-01-2020

Wonderful Pic's Beautifully restored. Thanks for sharing.

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 09-01-2020

This radio was restored 15 years ago ... Icon_wink And the drive of the vernier mechanism of the scale arrow broke off on it from old age. It seems that the old radios really want to be paid attention to and carry out preventive repairs at least once every 15 years. Icon_mrgreen Icon_lol

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 10-23-2020

Old Soviet radio Октябрь 2 (October 2). 1957.
Radio October 2, the heyday of Soviet radio (1946..60th year), 1957. But the beginning of the sunset is already clearly visible, compared to the first of October it looks quite boring. In general, I consider the first 10 years after the war to be the peak of Soviet household (and even military) radio engineering - the equipment at the radio plants built by the Americans before the war had not yet developed its resource, during and in the first postwar years the same Americans gave a bunch new equipment, machines, technologies and radio engineering of fresh developments, at Germans and the occupied part of Europe where on reparations and where simply plundered production capacities, the equipment, equipment and developments of design bureaus ... How here not to give out something universe-belt ...;) enough for less than 10 years, already with the transition to "finger" lamps (with a delay of at least 5 years from the same Europe) disappeared and leadership and new technologies ...: mrgreen: Nevertheless, even the second of October is favorably different from all other Soviet household radio products with high quality of production, high technical characteristics, non-standard ergonomics and even very decent sound quality.


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 12-29-2020

By chance, I became the owner of 11 wonderful old 12-inch gramophone discs with concerts of Beethoven's symphonic music and three Mozart discs ... I bought a French radio on Ebay and received a discount on the purchase of these discs from the same seller. An interesting nuance - thanks to the postal company, the radio arrived broken ... Icon_redface but all the disks survived and remained intact. Icon_e_surprised So I don't even know why to rejoice more. Icon_think But as satisfaction, at least to his satisfaction, listened to Beethoven's symphony in D minor for cello and symphony orchestra. Icon_mrgreen  Icon_lol

[Video: http://]

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - morzh - 12-29-2020

Sounds pretty nice for an old 78 record.
And as long as those crackles are not overpowering, I kinda like'em. On old records Icon_smile

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - Eliot Ness - 12-29-2020


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 02-28-2021

A new video about my radio consoles ... A test of the sound quality of my favorite instrumental jazz ...  Heart
Sorry in Ukrainian, the English version has not been made yet ... ... Icon_think

[Video: http://]

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - BrendaAnnD - 02-28-2021

Peter, Mike,

These are the assemblies I'm talking about. I tried to send this photo with my email reply, but it seems there is no way to attach a photo in the email. 

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RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - BrendaAnnD - 02-28-2021

Эти две сборки просто вытаскивают из деревянного каркаса магнитолы. Удаление проводов или переключателей не требуется.

Надеюсь, этот перевод понят.