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38-10 tuner subassembly and Temp Speaker Question - Printable Version

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Re: 38-10 tuner subassembly and Temp Speaker Question - Bob Andersen - 03-06-2009

Here's what the original capacitors look like in case you'd like to restore yours to the original "look". I just disconnected them and mounted the much smaller replacements under the chassis as Texasrocker suggested. I've seen these old capacitors on eBay now and then.


Re: 38-10 tuner subassembly and Temp Speaker Question - Ron Ramirez - 03-08-2009

I generally restuff those aluminum can electrolytics these days - makes for a much neater job. Icon_smile

Re: 38-10 tuner subassembly and Temp Speaker Question - Arran - 03-10-2009

While the wire wound resistor will work my preference is to use a filter choke as a substitute, used or NOS ones can usually be found at ham fests inexpensively, one can also find output transformers at the same, the choke can be mounted to the speaker frame and it will keep the chassis itself more or less factory correct. If and when you find the correct speaker it's an easy task to change over, especially if the speaker has a plug and socket. Filter chokes do not produce heat and I have found that they also filter hum better then a Pi filter arrangement. Radio Daze also stocks Hammond replacements so you could order one of those along with an output transformer. There is a way to build a solid state substitute for the filter choke, but I don't like using solid state in tube equipment unless I have no other choice, nothing wrong with this from an engineering standpoint but it bothers me from a historical one.
Best Regards