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Philco 89 Questions - Printable Version

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RE: Philco 89 Questions - Ron Ramirez - 07-27-2022

It sounds like someone took some liberties with your radio.

Pin 4 of the 77 is the suppressor grid and should connect to ground.

Pin 5 of the 77 is the cathode and should connect to the top of the oscillator tickler coil per the schematic.

If I were you, I would change the wiring to correspond with the schematic.

RE: Philco 89 Questions - Jimradio - 07-27-2022

Yes I will thank you Ron.......................

RE: Philco 89 Questions - Jimradio - 07-29-2022

Resolved the wiring on the #77 tube and it made a world of difference, can receive station across the dial. Will do an alignment, I am getting a lot of whistling and vibration in the speaker on certain frequency's. Hope the alignment will solve that.

RE: Philco 89 Questions - Jimradio - 07-29-2022

After an alignment I noticed that from about 1000 kHz and lower freq. the reception will work at times or not. Above 1000 kHz does not fail can always receive.

I had a VOM lead connected to chassis with meter on, with the other probe I would touch the #2 pin (plate) of #77 tube and make it (lower freq's) come and go. Also on the OSC coil I could touch pin #5 (to tuner) and it will cut out, touch pin #4 it will cut in, this is all to do with the lower freq's. If I touch pin #1 or pin#2 has no effect (tickler). Touching pin #3 will also make it cut out.

I don't know if this is a tube (#77) problem or the OSC coil or what.

I have a 6200 ohm resistor to ground instead of an 8000 ohm on the tickler coil.

I have rewound the tickler coil on the OCS coil it was open.

RE: Philco 89 Questions - Jimradio - 08-06-2022

Finally got this guy up and running. As I said it would work on high freq's and some times on lower freq's. I tried bonding all grounds, replace the OSC cathode resistor back to 8.2K no help. Finally I cleaned the 77 tube socket and replaced the 77 tube after cleaning the pin of the tube. WALA it now works, I am one happy camper.

Thanks for the help.