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Late Model 60 sensitivity/bandwith when tuning - Printable Version

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RE: Late Model 60 sensitivity/bandwith when tuning - Ron Ramirez - 03-11-2013

Yes - just make sure you know which version you have, as the location of some of the trimmers changed over the years. The ones in back of the chassis can be seen here:

The two on the tuning condenser - (5) and (6) - remained the same.

RE: Late Model 60 sensitivity/bandwith when tuning - Lewiss - 01-25-2022

Thank you Ron for the alignment instructions, Riders doesn't quite match up with the later version of the Model 60.
Also read in Riders that when connecting to the 6A7 grid, that you should connect a ~500 ohm resistor across the the output of the RF generator to provide a DC bias to ground if the output of your generator is cap coupled with no DC return path. I went ahead and did this. 
I didnt know about this when I did alignments on my model 80 and 71B, hope they are aligned ok.