The PHILCO Phorum
need help naming this - Printable Version

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RE: need help naming this - sam - 12-18-2013

thanks guy`s and Brenda Icon_clapIcon_thumbup
so it`s a Canadian set ? also when I was taking photo of gauge I spun dial it also says phono at beginning of it. it didn't click just smooth turning maybe that's what all the extra connectors are on the sides ?
here`s gauge and door picks
thanks for all your help sam

RE: need help naming this - BrendaAnnD - 12-18-2013

The "phono" at the lower end of the dial is their version of a shorting switch. The phono input is likely always live, and many sets of the era used the tuner as a mute circuit (at fully meshed, the rotor and stator plates short together, killing RF signal input, so you can listen to the phono without noise in the background.)

RE: need help naming this - jerryhawthorne - 12-18-2013

Brenda is no doubt correct although there are other ways that Phono position can work. On the Fada I'm working on there is a reed switch which is triggered by a tab when the dial is in the phono position. When turned to phono, a tab on the dial triggers the reed switch to open the input to the volume pot from the RF section and connect it to the phono input. If that makes sense? Neat the creativity back in 1929. On the Fada, the phono input is only live when in that position.

RE: need help naming this - sam - 12-22-2013

hey Brenda and guys
I found this manual very close tells me what every thing is
thanks for all your help Icon_clapIcon_thumbup