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Mikes 70 DONE - Printable Version

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RE: Mikes 70 - Steve Davis - 05-21-2014

Kirk, I think you are on the right track. A couple of coats of sanding sealer followed by the toner should do it.


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-22-2014

Thanks Steve,
I went to buy it and boy has it gotten expensive. I took 4 years to use the last can so I think I will get my moneys worth.Icon_lol


RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-22-2014

Today I unclamped the base and it is nice and strong. If I dropped it off the 2nd floor it would survive. well, the base would...

I glued and clamped all the separations from the arch and the sides and tomorrow I will sand to remove any excess glue and grain fill the arch and molding on the front.

RE: Mikes 70 - radiohenry - 05-23-2014

That is quite a job you are doing. I expect you will start getting inquiries regarding rrefinishing other radios.
Thanks for sharing,

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-24-2014

Unclamped the cabinet for the final time. I was going to grain fill but I found a veneer issue I didn't want to leave.

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-25-2014

GRAIN filler!!

Grain filler was finally applied to the cabinet! I stripped the molding and put sanding sealer on it. Will tone tomorrow.

All veneer is fixed, the entire cabinet is glued and solid. Faca and grill are completed.

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-26-2014

Toning day,
Taped off the columns and toned the inside grooves Ex Dk Walnut.

Then toned the entire cabinet with a medium walnut. I want to let the lacquer set for a day so I can sand the cabinet before clear. Too much dander in the air and the finish is not smooth.

RE: Mikes 70 - morzh - 05-26-2014

Take your time Kirk, no rush Icon_smile

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 05-31-2014

Today was rebuilding day. I took the freshly toned molding and attached it back on to the cabinet with the original nails and added some glue. I filled any crevices and the countersunk nail holes and tomorrow I will finish toning the trim, Put the face back in and clear clear clear...

In about a week I will finish sand and wax her up.

RE: Mikes 70 - PhilcoJohn - 06-03-2014

Can I say...........JUST BEAUTIFUL!!

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 06-03-2014

Bad start to a day!
Finished toning and Untaped to reveal pulled up finish and perfect brown seeped under the tape. Have to strip and re-start.

RE: Mikes 70 - morzh - 06-03-2014

Bad Perfect Brown! Bad!

RE: Mikes 70 - OldRestorer - 06-04-2014

Ok I finally got it right. Icon_crazy

I toned the front and then cleared 6 good coats. Sanded 400-2000 and will wait a day or so for the cabinet finish to harden. Then I will Apply some pumice and rub out the cabinet. Since it is a high gloss finish I will rub it out again with lemon oil and then wax her.

RE: Mikes 70 - morzh - 06-04-2014

And you people were serious when you told me that I could do all this!
I would probably retire by the time I finished it.

RE: Mikes 70 DONE - OldRestorer - 06-05-2014

Well I buffed her out with oil and cloth and then added 6 coats of wax.

I re-assembled her and now to let the wax harden for a week or so.