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The list of my radio & TV collection! - Printable Version

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The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-21-2015

   Hi, friends, Let me present the part of my collection (approved by admin)

Soviet Union radio’s 1945-1950 years. Produced by :  
VEF , Riga .
  Riga. VEF М-557 ,
VEF М- 697
, VEF РЗ-1 Baltic ,
. Lithuania -М137 ,
Mir М-152,
Mir М-154,
VEF Accord,
Luxe РН-156 . 
. Lithuania РН-59
Radiotehnika manufactory , Riga.
, Riga Т689 ,
 , Riga Т-755 , 
 Riga -6 ( two different versions ) , 
, Riga -10 ,
 Daugava ( radio\ receiver ) ,
 Daugava (rdiorgamophome ) ,
 Sакта . 

 Manufactory Punane Ret  Tallin. 
 Punane Ret 662 
 Punane Ret   663 , 
 Estonia 55 
Molotov’s Minsk manufactory . 
Marshall  .
 Minsk Р7-55 .
 Belorus 53 , 
Belorus -57 ,
 Belorus 59 . 
Minsk -55,
 Minsk 58 ,
Kozitskogo manufactory in St.Petersburg (Leningrad) , Radist manufactory (Leningrad) . 
 Neva 51 , 
Neva -52 ,
 Neva -55 ,
Оctober (model 1), 
October ( model 2) .

Radiorecaivers produced by the Ukrainian manufactures are 
Dnipro 52,
 Dnipro 58,
 Baltica ЗиШ
 Copact, portable lamp’s radio receiver 
Record 47,
Record 51, 
Record 52 (gramophone),
VEF Tourist.
Soviet radio receivers produced before Second Warld War and Radio receivers  of Baltic countries are
VEF  МD-37 , 
VEF  МD- 38 , 
VEF  МD-39 , 
VEF  МD-40 ,
 VEF  М-507 ,
 VEF  М 517 , 
VEFar  МD36 , 
37 ,
 VEF  BD 39 ,
VEF Б-306 ,
 6Н-1 ,
European radio receivers produced before Second Warld War are
Englland radio
Mc Mickchael Mains Tree ( 1930 UK ) 
G.E.C BC 4443 (  UK),
Germany radio 
Siemens 36L( Germany, 1933 ) 
 Siemens 76 W (Germany ,1937) ,
Telefunken 7001(Germany ,1937 ) , 
Blaupunkt 7W78 . (Germany,1938 )
 Blaupunkt 7W79 (Germany,1939 ),
 Mende MS 198 GW (Germany, 1938 ) , 
Kerting Dominus 40 (Germany 1940 ) ,
Saba 448 (Germany 1938 ) ,
 Saba S 358 GW (,Germany 1938 ) ,
 Saba 458 GWK (Germany !938 ) 
Philips  466 A (Germany,1936 ),
Hungary radio 
 Orion 444 (Hungary,1944),
Orion 525 ( 1942 );
France radio 
Elan (France, 1938 ) . 
Romavox 8375 A (France,  1939 ) ,
 Radiola RA 12 (France,  1938 French Philips ) ,
Ducrett Tomson D 436 (France),
Geman’s after-war 
Philips BX 750 , 
Saba Lindau 2
Saba Fraiburg 8 , 
Nora Bolero
Shaub Lorens W 35 , 
Shaub Lorens W 45 .
 NordMende Otello 55 , 
NordMende Arabella 59 .
 RFT 10E 151 produced by GDR, nationalized manufactories of the Imperial Stassfurt , Kerting и Sachsenwerk )
Radio bars 
 RFT 557 , 
Radiomarelli ( model 1948, Italy  )  .
 American radio 
Philco 37-640( USA) ,

 Philco 37-116 De Luxe ( USA)  ,
 Philco 602 ( USA),
Shassis  American radio
 Scott Phantom De Luxe ,
 shassis Zenith 5 S 127 ,
 shassis Zenith 12H-094 , 
 shassis RCA 811K ,
I do not have too much examples of US & EU radio receivers but the collection will be updeted soon
The TV by  1950-1960 yrs are 
Znamya 58 ,
 Neman ,
 Kharkov , 
Belarus 110 ,
 Verhovyna , 
Rubyn102 , 
Grundig ,
Here are about 50 examples of Soviet Union’s TV by 1950 – 1960 yrs.  Those examples available for exchange or sale

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - klondike98 - 05-21-2015

Great collection! Icon_thumbup

I edited out your "for sale or trade" comment on the TVs. You can post that in the For Sale or Trade section. Please review the rules for posting in that section

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-21-2015

Thenk you , Dear Friend ! Here are listed the examples of my collection which are not for sale .

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-21-2015

VEF M-557 . 1946...49.
The radio is restore and renovated


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-21-2015

VEF M-697 . 1949.

The radio is renovated , no restore ...  Icon_e_sad


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-21-2015

VEF Baltica 52 . 1952 .

Restore & renovated .


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - morzh - 05-21-2015

That last VEF would look great with glass dial intact. Unfortunately unless you do it yourself, I do not think anyone makes reproductions?

Последний VEF красив, бьл бь еще красивей со шкалой. Репродукции, я так понимаю, никто не делает? Или?

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-21-2015

Делают у нас репродукции ... Make reproduction ...Но здесь дефект фото ( блик ) , а не шкалы ... But here the defect image, rather than the scale ...Sorry ...  Icon_redface


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - morzh - 05-21-2015


Petro says, this was reflections and not the broken glass, now there is a real devect seen in the finish with different lighting.

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-22-2015

VEF Myr M-152 . 1952 .


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-22-2015

Radiogrammofon VEF Myr M-154 . 1954


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 05-22-2015

Radiogrammofon VEF Luxe RN-156. 1956.


RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - TA Forbes - 06-05-2015

Надеюсь, что вы в безопасности все происходит в Украине!

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - RadioSvit - 06-05-2015

Спасибо . Война с Россией идет на востоке Украины . Я живу на западе. Но война это всегда плохо ...

Thank you. The War with Russia is on Eastern part of Ukraine. Ilive in Western Ukraine. But war is always terrible

RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - jerryhawthorne - 06-05-2015

Nice collection and so great to see radios not really seen on the "other side of the pond". Really nice and unique styling. Appreciate your showing!
Best, Jerry