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Philco 42-1012 turntable questions - Printable Version

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Philco 42-1012 turntable questions - Ragazzo - 06-30-2010

A friend of my is restoring Philco 42-1012 console. He was looking for some information and I hope you guys can help him:
- what is the diameter of the turntable motor shaft?
- what is the diameter of the rubbered roller, which rotates the disc?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Re: Philco 42-1012 turntable questions - Ron Ramirez - 06-30-2010

Hi Leonid

I am sorry but I cannot answer your questions. I suggest you contact West-Tech Services; they would know the answer.

Re: Philco 42-1012 turntable questions - Ragazzo - 06-30-2010

Hi Ron,

I know West Tech Services (saw their site at list). But they are not charity, right? Sending the changer to US and then back to Russia would cost my friend a lot of money...
So I hoped there were owners of the same console, who could just measure the diameters.

Re: Philco 42-1012 turntable questions - Ron Ramirez - 06-30-2010

Well, I don't think it would hurt to just ask...

I did have a junk 1942 Beam of Light changer, but I gave it to West-Tech early this year so they could use it for parts.

I do think there are others here who do own 1942 BOL changers; maybe they will add their comments soon.