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Westinghouse H125 - Printable Version

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Westinghouse H125 - Rob Quay - 06-29-2024

Hi Guys,
I’m finishing up a Westinghouse H125 “Refrigerator Radio”. The 35Z5GT was blown so it was replaced. Additionally, the radio has been recapped and resistors checked. Voltages are running high. The #47 lamp blows if I don’t use a Variac to power up slowly. Voltage at the house is typically 123 V., which doesn’t help. Since the lamp connects to the 35Z5GT I suspect the problem is in that area. Any thoughts on what the problem could be? Thanks! - Rob

RE: Westinghouse H125 - morzh - 06-29-2024

Check all tubes. For the filaments dropping proper voltages at the proper current.
And check the 35Z5 for the short.

RE: Westinghouse H125 - Radioroslyn - 06-29-2024

Hi Rob,

Usually it's a problem w/ the heater string or excessive hv current that will pop the bulb. It has all 150ma heater tubes in it right? If so I'd check around the output tube to see if the plate, grids, and cathode voltage are ok. Then I'd swap the 35Z5. I've got a green one. It's fun to play w/ a pringle tube near the loop when you get it all together.

RE: Westinghouse H125 - Rob Quay - 06-30-2024

Thanks Terry. I’ll keep digging into the little bugger. - Rob