Model 96 cabinet veneer -
TGLager - 10-23-2024
Trying to restore the cabinet for a model 96. According to Radio it was made in 1930. The veneer on both sides is shot and partially missing so I want to replace it. Does anyone know what they used on cabinets of that era? Thanks
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
Arran - 10-23-2024
Which cabinet style is your cabinet? There was a lowboy, and a highboy, and a third which was a radio-phono combo in a sort of corner cabinet. There are pictures of each in the Philco Gallery for the 1930 model year.
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
klondike98 - 11-04-2024
There is some description of the veneers in the 1930 Brochure in our library. Here's the link:
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
TGLager - 11-09-2024
It is a lowboy cabinet. I can't seem to add pictures here. If someone tells me how I can post a picture. Thanks
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
RodB - 11-10-2024
You are probably skipping the final step. Once you select the photos you want and they get downloaded, the system assigns a serial number to each one and displays a list to you. You can then select the photos and scroll back to your text and put the cursor where you want the photo. Then scroll back down and click on Insert In Text. Then open a container of your favorite beverage and enjoy.
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
TGLager - 11-10-2024
I can't figure out what the first step is, let alone the final step. I have tried copying pictures from my hard drive and then pasting them into my forum post, but nothing happens.
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
RodB - 11-10-2024
First, if you are posting from the "Quick Reply" window you can't post photos. You should post from the "New Reply" button to be able to post photos. Scroll down and there's a box to put the photos in.
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
TGLager - 11-10-2024
Here are some photos of the veneer. The lighter shaded one has had the lacquer scraped off. The darker shaded one had the lacquer removed with thinner.
If anyone can identify the species of wood it would be a great help. Thanks.
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
madsowry - 11-12-2024
I am almost positive it is white or light walnut. Then stained or toned to the proper color.
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
TGLager - 11-13-2024
I thought it looks most like the quarter sawn flexible veneer that Constantine's sells, but I wanted another opinion. Thanks
RE: Model 96 cabinet veneer -
Arran - 11-16-2024
The veneer in question looks like French walnut, but I think that the first piece looks light because of sun exposure. If these are off the sides of the cabinet, if it was like mine they are plywood panels that were slid into channels between the front and rear stiles or legs of the cabinet, and can slid out of the channels once the cabinet top is taken off. My model 96 was stored in a damp basement so the side panels were coming apart, so I just used some 1/4' plywood, they were also shaded dark so the species of veneer didn't matter, one side had walnut veneer originally, but I think the other may have been maple or poplar.