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Need to purchase some accessories for restoration of my Old Philco Radio - Printable Version

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Need to purchase some accessories for restoration of my Old Philco Radio - palonso - 03-25-2025

Dear Colleagues, I live in Brazil, South America and  I am quite involved in the restoration of my old Philco Radio Model 3810, Code 121 (photo attached). The first accessories I purchased for this radio came from Radio Daze (a new Dial, lamps and Decals) and the information about this dealer was kindly passed to me by The Moderator of our Phorum. This dealer send all their international  orders  by USPS Priority Mail that is a very good modal because Priority Mail has a tracking number. The accessories, despite the four weeks needed to manufacture of the dials, arrived to me quickly and safe.

Unfortunately the other accessories needed, chassis supports and knobs I purchased from Renovated Radios and they do not work with Priority Mail only International First Class which do not have a tracking number. All international orders, upon reaching Brazil, are directed to Customs Authorities in order to calculate importation taxes. When there is a tracking number the process is a very reliable and expedited one and in a few days I got my package with all the items. But, unfortunately the package from Renovated Radios may be lost because almost two months have passesd since they sent the small box to me. I tried to convert ths shipping modal to Priority with Renovated  Radios but the only way to communicate to the firm is by email and they do not respond at all any message. Thus I would like to check with the colleagues if there is another supplier from which I could buy the chassis support and the knobs. in a more reliable way. 

Thanks in advance for any suggestion. 
Best Regards, Paulo Alonso

RE: Need to purchase some accessories for restoration of my Old Philco Radio - morzh - 03-25-2025

Hi Paulo,

I do not know whether another supplier exists for the chassis support grommets, but you could try to go to a hardware store and try to see if tehre are suitable size rubber grommets sold there.
I have used standard rubber grommets from our hardware stores for tuner support many times.

RE: Need to purchase some accessories for restoration of my Old Philco Radio - palonso - 03-28-2025

Hi Morzh,

Yes I was thinking about using some rubber grommets sold by local hardwares stores. But even in case I find a "home made" solution for the chassis supports I remain with the problem of the knobs. The knobs and my radio as a whole are in fairly good shape but the tuning knob (one that uses a vernier) show signals of microfractures due to age and the tropical climate we have here in Rio de Janeiro (extremely hot summers).

Thank you so much for your suggestion.

Paulo Alonso

RE: Need to purchase some accessories for restoration of my Old Philco Radio - morzh - 03-28-2025

Knobs can be found with Mike Koste (Gobs of Knobs).
You might communicate with him and ask to arrange the type of shipping you like.