38-116 toner colores -
vinzer - 05-28-2013
Now that I have the chassis done and am starting cabinet I have a few questions.
I have never seen an original finish in good condition What gets toned and what colors I should use?
I am thinking about using #03 grill cloth from radio daze looks like the closest thing available if anybody has a better idea let me know.
RE: 38-116 toner colors -
vinzer - 06-02-2013
Finished Stripping the cabinet today sealed one side of it going to start grain filling tomorrow hope it goes better than my 19b did my least favorite part of refinishing.
RE: 38-116 toner colores -
Ron Ramirez - 06-03-2013
No one ever answered your questions on toner, so let me say this: I would use Medium Walnut (Tone Finish) overall, with Perfect Brown (Ultra Classic) on the "white wood" trim.
#03 is probably as close as you will get on the grille cloth, unless Radio Daze offers the original-type #41 again in the near future. It can be seen here on the Wayback Machine in this snapshot of the grillecloth.com site from 2007:
Oh, and good luck on the grain filling - it's my least favorite part of refinishing, also. I'm waiting for some new Constantine's walnut grain filler to arrive so I can try again.
RE: 38-116 toner colores -
vinzer - 06-03-2013
Thanks for the toner colors I have some of those left over from my 19b but will have to order some more of the Medium Walnut
I am on my second try on grain filling today don't think it was dry enough when I took it off.
one thing I learned from my 19b was to seal it before grain filling it made my 19b darker than it should have been.
After reading your post I order the #03 grill cloth so thanks again.
RE: 38-116 toner colors -
vinzer - 06-06-2013
After 3 tries on grain filling it must have gone bad it never really got dry so I order some Constantines Walnut grain filler hope it works.
Been reading post here by Ron I am going to try the ideas in those post.