41-255 finished! -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 09-07-2013
The good news is the speaker was perfectly fine. Turns out it was a misplaced cap that caused the garbled sound through the speaker and low volume

The radio plays great now. Thanks to Ron, Brenda, and everyone else for their help with this restoration.
The detailed underside parts diagram / parts list found in the Rider's manual made recapping relatively easy. Each component was in EXACTLY the proper location, which made identifying what belonged where a breeze. There was nothing left of the grille cloth save for a few strands of cloth, but I had a piece of left over diamond pattern grille cloth I removed from my 39-40 when I replaced it and was able to use it for this set. Most of the cloth was ok yet, but there was a big hole near the volume switch on the 39-40, which meant it needed replacement. It pays to save that old cloth just for a small project like this!
I was able to salvage the original finish on the cabinet, except for the outer edges, which were so badly gouged that it needed refinishing. Not being able to find an exact match, I went with a dark tone similar to what is used on the edges of my 39-30 slant front table model. Not factory authentic for '41, but the more I see how it looks, the more its grown on me.
The dial face, knobs and pushbuttons are all exact repros (although I think the dial face has a bit too much marble effect). Here's a before pic (I already had installed the repro dial face when this photo was taken a few years back):
And a few after shots:
I actually had this radio about 15 years but never got around to working on it until just this month. I remember buying it at the Iola old car show in Iola, WI and lugging it through the meet back to the car, which was about 2 miles away from the vendor where I bought it! Maybe that's the reason I let it sit so long... to save my aching back!
RE: 41-255 finished! -
jerryhawthorne - 09-07-2013
That really came out very nice. Great job and nice looking radio.

RE: 41-255 finished! -
KCMike - 09-07-2013
+1 on what Jerry wrote. I really like the slant style.
RE: 41-255 finished! -
audiomagnate - 09-08-2013
That thing is soooooo cool! I want one. I could put it on my desk and pretend I'm a big shot exec from the 40's and buzz my non-existent secretary all day.
RE: 41-255 finished! -
Jamie - 09-08-2013
Now that's a good lookin radio! Excellent work!
RE: 41-255 finished! -
TA Forbes - 09-08-2013
Unfortunately the early-40s Philcos are overlooked by many collectors. There were some pretty good sets produced then, and the 41-255 is one of them!!
I had one quite awhile ago and remember being especially impressed by the set's reception using it's own built-in aerial.
RE: 41-255 finished! -
37silverstreak - 09-08-2013
Great job Greg! Looks terrific

Listened to your show last night on my 40-150

RE: 41-255 finished! -
wa2ise - 09-08-2013
Very nice restoration. Looks factory fresh.
I too had a radio for about ten years that sat around before I got up the effort to restore it. It had some hacks done to it in its past, like a power transformer soldered to the chassis, and it looked hopeless to remove it. But actually it came off relatively easily. Got it working pretty well.
RE: 41-255 finished! -
audiomagnate - 09-09-2013
Quote: "Unfortunately the early-40s Philcos are overlooked by many collectors. There were some pretty good sets produced then, and the 41-255 is one of them!!"
I think it's a good thing. It keeps them cheap. I'm looking for a cool looking, nice sounding nice post-war wood tabletop that does modern FM.
RE: 41-255 finished! -
Ron Ramirez - 09-09-2013
wa2ise - Cool, a Philco Tropic! I have a 46-806, it was working when I bought it. Neat little set.
audiomagnate - One of the coolest postwar Philco sets with the modern FM band, in my opinion, is the 48-475.
It is quite large, but also very stylish!
RE: 41-255 finished! -
PhilcoJohn - 09-10-2013
Great restoer on that 41-255. I like the style of that radio. Maybe I would be willing to purchase a slant dial table radio like that one. I like the philco 39-25 or the 39-30. I just like the style better not a big fan of the big plastic facing.
RE: 41-255 finished! -
codefox1 - 09-10-2013
Beautiful set!