Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
TV MAN - 01-14-2014
Hi all! I started a new post so I wouldnt hi-jack a post by cwirth, and reply by Bob Anderson on page 3. I would sure like some advice about the Evapo-rust. I tried some on a chassis that has been "moused", with some carefully planned and 'tailed' rust, left by rodent number 1, just for me. Ok, you get the drift. I followed the directions to dampen a good paper towel and cover it with plastic, and push it down onto the metal and wait 24hrs. I did that, and things looked kind of ugly. I wiped and polished some, but didnt improve much. Aside from stripping the electronics off the chassis and soaking, what has the experiance of others been with this treatment? I have also heard about navel jelly, but no experiance with that either.
I may have done something wrong, perhaps its the kind of metal - not sure. This is a simple amp pulled from a console stereo years ago, probably a mid 60's model. I'd sure not like to ruin my Fisher 500C (a nice mouse family tried that already) by doing this wrong. Any experiance or advice would be greatly appreciated!
If these pictures came off right, you can see the result of my 1st try. I used the blue Scott paper shop rags.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
morzh - 01-14-2014
Just in case you will try to buy it, it is Naval Jelly (Navy used it).
Although it may be applied to rusty navels.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
klondike98 - 01-14-2014
LOL Mike. The Evapo-rust he's talking about is a little different that naval jelly. See the
post that Bob Andersen made about it. I've only used naval jelly so I don't have any experience with the Evapo Rust.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Phlogiston - 01-14-2014
I try not to use any of that stuff. It is OK at dissolving rust. It is GREAT at removing the original plating. For one, I want the original plating in place. For two, if you remove the plating the chassis is going to rust (more) unless you paint it which make it even less original. I think (your results may vary) that selective placement of navel jelly on very rusty spots is ok. Then seal those spots ONLY.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
klondike98 - 01-14-2014
Russ, what do you use to seal the spots you hit with the rust remover?
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
codefox1 - 01-14-2014
Of course it depends. Removing rust on a steel chassis will undoubtedly remove plating as well, and require paint at the minimum, and replating at the maximum. Not so sure there is an in between other than painting the crap left by leaking capacitors and vermin, nicotine, and whatever, and gentile cleaning, and maybe a little varnish of some kind.
100 variations and 300 solutions to this problem. I really like Rustoleum.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Phlogiston - 01-14-2014
Sometime I use a little greenish silver paint applied like stain. It blends in and seals enough not to rust - soon.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Arran - 01-15-2014
If the chassis has rust spots the plating is already gone wherever the rust is, you can't ruin something that isn't there to begin with. Neither Evaporust nor navel jelly (phosphoric acid) will strip the cadmium plating off where it isn't coming off to begin with, you still need to coat it with something afterward, or have it replated.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Phlogiston - 01-15-2014
Yes it does strip off the plating.
A chassis with all of the plating removed is not restored unless you are going to replate it.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Bob Andersen - 01-15-2014
Evaporust only seems to work if it's 65F or above. The warmer the better. Never had any issues with it or Naval Jelly removing plating - just green/yellow oxide. Can you even get a chassis replated with Cadmium these days ?
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
morzh - 01-15-2014
Send it to Russia, they still do that.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
jontz - 01-16-2014
In Russia, chassis plates you!
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
TV MAN - 01-16-2014
I think you guys are right about the plating. Looks like there was some kind of coating on this chassis that Evapo took off. This thing is a basket case of sorts anyway, and has been my 'tester' for different things. I will probably end up stripping it and fogging it with some kind of attractive paint. Might dip it and see what happens. Still need to rebuild - or build it. But, back to the Evapo - this might not be much of an issue if the chassis isnt plated, like the older Philcos. Ah, now I know how to spell Naval (navel??) Thanks morzh! lol
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Bob Andersen - 01-16-2014
Evaporust does not remove cadmium plating. It's similar to molasses (yes, you can remove rust with molasses

)and uses a process called chelation which only effect iron oxide. No acids or other harsh chemicals. You likely had a layer of oxidized cadmium or some coating like varnish that came off.
On the other hand, Naval jelly is an acid and can react with brass, copper etc. so be careful what you get it on.
RE: Evapo-Rust cleaning the chassis -
Jamesm - 01-24-2014
There are Places in Canada that still cadmium plate.