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RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - audiomagnate - 09-24-2013

I did finish the 48-1286 last month. I don't like this $18/sq foot grill cloth, but it's the closest I could find. The FM on this unit has a lovely warm sound.

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - TA Forbes - 09-24-2013

I find that Pam Anderson emits a lovely warm sound.

Is this a coincidence??? Icon_eh

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - marty - 09-24-2013

Hi All;
If I knew who Pam Anderson was, or is I could then make a judgement call..

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - TA Forbes - 09-24-2013

Uh.... you're kidding, right??????


I have a Pam Anderson Poster (circa 1995-post augmentation) on my wall that is illuminated at night by the light of an eighteen-tube set, two fifteen-tube sets, and an "Orphan Annie" secret decoder lava lamp. It is my "Happy Place." There I chant Pam's secret mantra "Iyamnottabimbo" over and over again.

Oops, I guess the secret mantra isn't secret any more.....

Recommend you google "Baywatch" and watch a couple of episodes. But be careful.

I used to have the scene of her running on the beach for my screen saver, but sprained my neck from too much up and down motion as I watched it. I am not making this up. You are warned.


RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - Ron Ramirez - 09-24-2013

Marty, Google "Pamela Anderson" and get back with us.

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - sam - 09-24-2013

Don't think she was that hot never did go for beauty queens 8)

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - marty - 09-24-2013

Hi All;
I think I saw here in Home Improvment.. Never saw BayWatch, never would want to either..

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - audiomagnate - 09-25-2013

RE: The 95 augmentation: I heard that has been reversed.

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - TA Forbes - 09-26-2013

Bite thine tongue. Icon_mad

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - Arran - 09-26-2013

Also rumored to have acquired Hepatitis C from Tommy Lee, though he looks like it, she doesn't. Obviously unlike Pam it was his fame, and not his looks, that gave Tommy boy his appeal.

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - Jamie - 09-26-2013

Farrah Fawcett.... now that was a woman! I was in love with her when I was a kid. Nowadays, I think Marilyn Monroe was the greatest beauty of them all.

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - Electrothaumaturgist - 09-27-2013

Ya. Farrah was on my bedroom walls from about '76, then Lonnie Anderson, then Bo Derek. Olivia Neutron-Bomb turned out pretty swell there in the '80's, etc...

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - audiomagnate - 09-27-2013

The red one piece Farrah poster was hugely popular.

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - Ron Ramirez - 09-27-2013

As a teenager, I had the Farrah poster...only because I won it at the county fair. I thought she was OK but greatly overrated. Back then I thought Linda Ronstadt was a major hottie.

Olivia Newton-John? She had a beautiful face but no figure...Olivia is remarkably well-preserved now for her age...hard to believe she's 65 now...

Geez, from raining Philcos to reigning beauty queens in one topic. <--- Hey, I coined a Michael Savage-ism! Icon_wink

RE: It's Raining Philcos Around Here! - Chuck Schwark - 09-27-2013

Very punny, Ron, very punny.....
