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ZENITH 6-S-229 REPAIR - Printable Version

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RE: ZENITH 6-S-229 REPAIR - Eliot Ness - 06-09-2019

Looks good Mike! 

The first radio I restored was your radios predecessor, the 5-S-127.  Long story, but it was given to me as a young teen by very good friends of our family, but didn't get restored until several years later when I was in the USAF.  I was very impressed with its performance also and DX'd many shortwave and BC stations with it.  I probably ought to pull it out, replace the belt, give it a polish, and freshen up cap/resistors one of these days.


RE: ZENITH 6-S-229 REPAIR - morzh - 06-09-2019


Yes that is also a very good looking set and seems to be almost the same other than the grill.

The performance of it should be pretty much the same as my 6 tune count vs your 5 is achieved by splitting 6Q7 diode-triode tube into separate 6H6 and 6F5 diodes and triode. Same output and likely the same speaker.

RE: ZENITH 6-S-229 REPAIR - Ron Ramirez - 06-09-2019

morzh Wrote:Ron

I meant removal of the other photo Icon_smile

This one is 90 degrees... Icon_lol

I did remove the photo that was turned 90 degrees. The one which remains was, and is, straight. On my end anyway.

Probably your tablet Icon_wink

RE: ZENITH 6-S-229 REPAIR - morzh - 06-09-2019


To err is human. To really foul things up you need a computer.
(Paul Ehrlich).