Philco for 1938 (introduced January 1938)


At mid-sea­son, Philco intro­duced a new type of "No Squat, No Stoop, No Squint" cab­i­net - the "XF" - which had an inclined con­trol pan­el but did not have an inclined sound­ing board. This cab­i­net was shared by 10 dif­fer­ent Philco mod­els; yet all ten togeth­er did not sell over 7,000 units. The com­pa­ny also intro­duced its first Bake­lite cab­i­nets for its three small table mod­el sets.

Model Index

The fol­low­ing mod­els remained in the Philco line­up: 38-1XX, 38-2XX, 38-3XX, 38-4XX, 38-5B, 38-5X, 38-7T, 38-7XX, 38-7CS, 38-9T, 38-10T, 38-12C, 38-12T, 38-14T, 38-14CS, 38-15T, 38-15CS, 38-22T, 38-22XX, 38-22CS, 38-23T, 38-33B, 38-34B, 38-35B, 38-38T, 38-39T, 38-40T, 38-60B, 38-62T, 38-89B, 38-116XX, 38-610B, 38-620T, 38-623T, 38-624T, 38-643B, 38-665B, 38-690XX, 38-2620T, 38-2650B, 38-2670B.

The fol­low­ing mod­els were dis­con­tin­ued: 38-8X, 38-9K, 38-10F, 38-12CI, 38-23K, 38-23X, 38-33F, 38-34F, 38-35F, 38-38K, 38-38X, 38-39K, 38-39X, 38-40K, 38-40X, 38-60F, 38-62F, 38-89K, 38-93B, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K, 38-2630K.

Click on a thumb­nail to see infor­ma­tion and pho­tos for each model:

38-8XF 38-10XF 38-12CB 38-12CBI 38-14CB 38-14CBI 38-15CB
38-15CBI 38-17T 38-17F 38-33F & 38-35F 38-34F 38-38XF, 38-39XF & 38-40XF 38-60F
38-60XF 38-62F 38-89XF 38-93B 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF


Model 38-8XF

Model 38-8XF - Image courtesy of Randy McIntosh.

This six tube Philco con­sole now had an inclined con­trol panel.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95

Num­ber made: 7,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Mod­els 38-10XF, 38-38XF, 38-39XF, 38-40XF, 38-60XF, 38-89XF, 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

Model 38-10XF

A five tube, two-band Phico in the new "XF" cabinet.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 7,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Mod­els 38-8XF, 38-38XF, 38-39XF, 38-40XF, 38-60XF, 38-89XF, 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

Model 38-12CB

One of Philco's first mod­els in a Bake­lite cab­i­net (CB stood for Com­pact Bake­lite), this and the ivory Plaskon 38-12CBI (imme­di­ate­ly below) gave con­sumers four dif­fer­ent 38-12 mod­els to choose from.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-12CBI

This mod­el was offered in ivory Plaskon.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-14CB

This AM/shortwave set now had a new Bake­lite cab­i­net as well. The set used five tubes, oper­at­ed on AC or DC cur­rent and its short­wave band cov­ered 2.3 to 7.4 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-14CBI

The ivory Plaskon ver­sion of mod­el 38-14CB.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-15CB

Mod­el 38-15 ran on 115 volts AC only, and its short­wave band went from 5.7 to 18 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-15CBI

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-17T

This set was basi­cal­ly a Mod­el 38-15 in a larg­er table mod­el cab­i­net; while the set gives the appear­ance of hav­ing twin speak­ers, only one speak­er is used; it is mount­ed behind the right speak­er grille. Elec­tri­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions are the same as Mod­el 38-15.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $35

Num­ber made: 5,000

Model 38-17F

A con­sole ver­sion of Mod­el 38-17.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: Unknown

Models 38-33F & 38-35F

Illus­tra­tion is rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Mod­els 38-33F & 38-35F, as both are iden­ti­cal in appearance.

New cab­i­nets for these con­sole Mod­els, which are iden­ti­cal in appear­ance. Mod­el 38-33 ran on bat­ter­ies; Mod­el 38-35 could be pow­ered by either 115 volts AC or by a 6-volt stor­age battery.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-34F

Yet anoth­er new "F" cab­i­net, this one hous­ing the five-tube 38-34 chas­sis which is pow­ered by a 6-volt stor­age battery.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Models 38-38XF, 38-39XF & 38-40XF

These three mod­els each received new "XF" cab­i­nets at mid-sea­son. Mod­el 38-38 was a bat­tery-oper­at­ed receiv­er; Mod­el 38-39 ran on a 6-volt stor­age bat­tery; and Mod­el 38-40 could oper­ate on either 115 volts AC or a 6-volt stor­age bat­tery. All three have two bands; AM and short­wave from 5.7 to 18 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: 7,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Mod­els 38-8XF, 38-10XF, 38-38XF, 38-39XF, 38-40XF, 38-60XF, 38-89XF, 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

Model 38-60F

A new con­sole ver­sion of Mod­el 38-60, a five tube receiv­er pow­ered from 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-60XF

Anoth­er new cab­i­net for the 38-60; the "XF" cab­i­net that was used by so many dif­fer­ent 1938 Philco Models.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: 7,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Mod­els 38-8XF, 38-10XF, 38-38XF, 38-39XF, 38-40XF, 38-89XF, 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

Model 38-62F

For Spring 1938, the 38-62 received a new con­sole cab­i­net while the table mod­el car­ried on in its Spring 1937 cabinet.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-89XF

Anoth­er "XF" Mod­el, this one hous­ing the six tube 38-89 chassis.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: 7,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Mod­els 38-8XF, 38-10XF, 38-38XF, 38-39XF, 38-40XF, 38-60XF, 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

Model 38-93B

Now, with its new cab­i­net, the 38-93 looked like the Baby Grand ver­sions of Mod­els 38-33 & 38-35. This new ver­sion of Mod­el 38-93 may have been intro­duced dur­ing the fall of 1937, some­time before Jan­u­ary 1938.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: 36,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of June 1937 Mod­els 38-33B & 38-35B)

Models 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF

One more "XF" cab­i­net to be shared among these three Mod­els. All three used six tubes and had three band cov­er­age; the 624 oper­at­ed on a 6 volt stor­age bat­tery while the oth­er two oper­at­ed from 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Not avail­able (38-624XF), $89.95 (38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

Num­ber made: 7,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Mod­els 38-8XF, 38-10XF, 38-38XF, 38-39XF, 38-40XF, 38-60XF, 38-89XF, 38-624XF, 38-630XF & 38-2630XF)

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The views expressed here­in regard­ing the for­mer Philco Cor­po­ra­tion are the opin­ions of the Philco Radio His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. The Soci­ety shall not be held liable for their accu­ra­cy, nor shall they be held respon­si­ble for any dam­ages caused to oth­ers by the expres­sion of these opinions.

"PHILCO" is a reg­is­tered trade­mark of Philips Elec­tron­ics North Amer­i­ca Corporation.