Philco for 1938 (introduced June 1937)


The new 1938 line was expand­ed to 69 dif­fer­ent mod­els, and includ­ed sev­er­al new mod­els as well as the return of some 1937 mod­els, some of which were housed in new cabinets.

Philco offered five mod­els with the 1937 Auto­mat­ic Tun­ing mech­a­nism, as well as sev­en with their new "Cone-Cen­tric" auto­mat­ic tuning.

A major sell­ing point of the new 1938 Philcos was "No Squat, No Stoop, No Squint." This referred to their new "XX" mod­els with inclined con­trol pan­els. Eight of Philco's 1938 con­sole mod­els had this feature.

No radio-phono­graphs were mar­ket­ed by Philco dur­ing the 1938 sea­son; this was, instead, han­dled by the Radio­bar Com­pa­ny of Amer­i­ca which offered sev­en dif­fer­ent "Phono­graph with Philco" mod­els which used Philco radio chas­sis and Cape­hart auto­mat­ic record chang­ers in cab­i­nets built by Radiobar.

Philco offered four chair­side mod­els for 1938, as well as two High Fideli­ty mod­els (38-116XX and 38-690XX).

Model Index

All 1937 Philco mod­els were dis­con­tin­ued. Some 1937 mod­els con­tin­ued as 1938 mod­els (with new mod­el numbers).

Click on a thumb­nail to see infor­ma­tion and pho­tos for each model:

38-1XX 38-2XX 38-3XX 38-4XX 38-5B 38-5X 38-7T
38-7XX 38-7CS 38-8X 38-9T 38-9K 38-10T 38-10F
38-12C 38-12CI 38-12T 38-14T 38-14CS 38-15T 38-15CS
38-22T 38-22XX 38-22CS 38-23T 38-23K 38-23X 38-33B
38-33F 38-34B 38-34F 38-35B 38-35F 38-38T 38-38K
38-38X 38-39T 38-39K 38-39X 38-40T 38-40K 38-40X
38-60B 38-60F 38-62T 38-62F 38-89B 38-89K 38-93B
38-116XX 38-610B 38-610J 38-620T 38-623T & 38-624T 38-623K, 38-624K & 38-630K 38-643B
38-643X & 38-665X 38-665B 38-690XX 38-2620T 38-2630K 38-2650B 38-2650X
38-2670B 38-2670B 38-2670X


Model 38-1XX

Model 38-1XX - Image courtesy of Craig Tipton.

A 12-tube Philco with three bands (530-1720 kc, 2.3-7.4 mc & 7.35-22 mc), this set oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC. Auto­mat­ic Tun­ing and Mag­net­ic Tun­ing were two of its main features.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $175

Num­ber made: 7,500

Model 38-2XX

This Philco used 11 tubes and had the same fre­quen­cy cov­er­age as mod­el 38-1 above. It also offered Auto­mat­ic Tun­ing and Mag­net­ic Tuning.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $159.50

Num­ber made: 11,400

Model 38-3XX

A nine tube "Dou­ble X" mod­el which oth­er­wise had the same fea­tures and fre­quen­cy cov­er­age of mod­els 38-1 and 38-2 above.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $129.50

Num­ber made: 43,800

Model 38-4XX

One of Philco's new "Cone-Cen­tric" sets with a round dial and con­cen­tric tun­ing knobs that went around the dial instead of being mount­ed below it. The 38-4 used 8 tubes and had two bands (540-1720 kc & 5.7-18.2 mc). It oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $100

Num­ber made: 52,500

Model 38-5B

A Baby Grand ver­sion of mod­el 38-4 with a con­ven­tion­al dial in place of the Cone-Cen­tric mech­a­nism. The 38-5 had the same fre­quen­cy cov­er­age as the 38-4 and also oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $79.95

Num­ber made: 6,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-643B, 38-665B & 38-2650B)

Model 38-5X

A con­sole ver­sion of mod­el 38-5B.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $89.95

Num­ber made: 10,495

Model 38-7T

Mod­el 38-7 was a small­er (6 tube) set with Cone-Cen­tric auto­mat­ic tun­ing. Like the 38-4, it had two band cov­er­age (540-1720 kc & 5.7-18.2 mc), and oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

The 38-7T offered auto­mat­ic tun­ing in a com­pact, table mod­el set.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $65

Num­ber made: 20,970 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-22T, 38-39T & 38-40T)

Model 38-7XX

A con­sole ver­sion of Mod­el 38-7, which also offered the "No Squat, No Stoop, No Squint" inclined con­trol panel.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $79.95

Num­ber made: 84,518 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-22XX)

Model 38-7CS

Auto­mat­ic tun­ing in a chair­side mod­el - a first for Philco.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $89.95

Num­ber made: 7,750 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-22CS)

Model 38-8X

Mod­el 38-8 offered the chas­sis of the 38-7 with a con­ven­tion­al dial in place of the Cone-Cen­tric mech­a­nism. It had the same fre­quen­cy cov­er­age and also oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC. A shad­owme­ter was an added fea­ture of the 38-8.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95

Num­ber made: 18,231 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-23X, 38-38X, 38-39X & 38-40X)

Model 38-9T

This Philco set used a 38-8 chas­sis with no shadowmeter.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $49.95

Num­ber made: 24,500

Model 38-9K

The con­sole ver­sion of Mod­el 38-9. This cab­i­net style was used for sev­er­al 1938 Philco models.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $65

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-23K, 38-38K, 38-39K, 38-40K, 38-89K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-10T

A five tube Philco with two tun­ing bands, it oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC and could receive the AM band and 5.7-18 mc shortwave.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: 49,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-23T & 38-38T)

Model 38-10F

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $55

Num­ber made: 31,300 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-33F, 38-34F, 38-35F & 38-60F)

Model 38-12C

Although Philco had been offer­ing small table mod­el sets since 1933, now the com­pa­ny was becom­ing more aggres­sive about sell­ing small radios as sec­ond or even third radios, for use in the bed­room, kitchen, or some­place oth­er than the liv­ing room. The 38-12 was one of three such Philco Mod­els that could be con­sid­ered as a "sec­ond or third" set for the home which already had a radio. It received the AM band only, used five tubes, and oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $22.50

Num­ber made: 91,800

Model 38-12CI

A Mod­el 38-12C that was paint­ed ivory, with black trim.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $25

Num­ber made: 20,700

Model 38-12T

A more styl­ish ver­sion of the 38-12.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $27.50

Num­ber made: 95,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-14T & 38-15T)

Model 38-14T

This AC/DC com­pact offered a short­wave band (2.3 to 7.4 mc) in addi­tion to AM. It also used five tubes.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $29.95

Num­ber made: 95,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-12T & 38-15T)

Model 38-14CS

This styl­ish chair­side fea­tured a 38-14 chas­sis and a larg­er speaker.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: 8,600 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-15CS as well as June 1938 mod­el 39-7CS)

Model 38-15T

The best of Philco's com­pact table mod­els in 1938, this one offered two band recep­tion (AM and short­wave from 5.7 to 18 mc), and oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC using five tubes.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $29.95

Num­ber made: 95,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-12T & 38-14T)

Model 38-15CS

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: 8,600 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-14CS as well as June 1938 mod­el 39-7CS)

Model 38-22T

If some­one need­ed a new 1938 Philco which could oper­ate on either AC or DC cur­rent, the choic­es were lim­it­ed to mod­els 38-14, 38-22 or 38-23.

The 38-22 was basi­cal­ly the AC/DC ver­sion of mod­el 38-7; it also used the Cone-Cen­tric auto­mat­ic tun­ing mech­a­nism, and had two tun­ing bands (540-1720 kc & 5.7-18.2 mc). Six tubes were used in this model.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95

Num­ber made: 20,970 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-7T, 38-39T & 38-40T)

Model 38-22XX

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $85

Num­ber made: 84,518 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-7XX)

Model 38-22CS

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $95

Num­ber made: 7,750 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-7CS)

Model 38-23T

This AC/DC Philco used six tubes and could receive AM and short­wave from 5.7 to 18 mc. It was avail­able as a table mod­el (shown here) or as two dif­fer­ent con­sole mod­els (imme­di­ate­ly below).

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $49.95

Num­ber made: 49,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-10T & 38-38T)

Model 38-23K

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-38K, 38-39K, 38-40K, 38-89K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-23X

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $79.95

Num­ber made: 18,231 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-8X, 38-38X, 38-39X & 38-40X)

Model 38-33B

The 1938 ver­sion of the bat­tery oper­at­ed "33" received a new cab­i­net, new dial, and new knob lay­out. It still received the AM band only and used five tubes.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $29.95

Num­ber made: 36,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-35B as well as Jan­u­ary 1938 mod­el 38-93B)

Model 38-33F

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $45

Num­ber made: 31,300 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-10F, 38-34F, 38-35F & 38-60F)

Model 38-34B

The five-tube 38-34 Baby Grand was iden­ti­cal to the mid-sea­son 1937 mod­el 37-34B, except for the larg­er escutcheon. This set oper­at­ed on a six-volt stor­age bat­tery and received the AM band.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: 45,500 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-60B & 38-89B as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-34B, 37-38B, 37-60B, 37-61B & 37-89B)

Model 38-34F

The "34" received a new con­sole cab­i­net for 1938.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $55

Num­ber made: 31,300 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-10F, 38-33F, 38-35F & 38-60F)

Model 38-35B

Iden­ti­cal in appear­ance to the new 38-33B, the "35" could oper­ate on either 115 volts AC or, where no elec­tric­i­ty was avail­able, on a 6-volt stor­age bat­tery. It received the AM band only.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $42.50

Num­ber made: 36,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­el 38-33B as well as Jan­u­ary 1938 mod­el 38-93B)

Model 38-35F

The con­sole ver­sion of the 38-35.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $57.50

Num­ber made: 31,300 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-10F, 38-33F, 38-34F & 38-60F)

Model 38-38T

For 1938, the "38" could now receive a high­er band of short­wave fre­quen­cies (5.7 to 18 mc) as well as the stan­dard AM band. It used six tubes and still oper­at­ed on batteries.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: 49,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-10T & 38-23T)

Model 38-38K

One of two con­sole ver­sions of mod­el 38-38; either of which could be nice addi­tions to a farm home.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-23K, 38-39K, 38-40K, 38-89K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-38X

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95

Num­ber made: 18,231 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-8X, 38-23X, 38-39X & 38-40X)

Model 38-39T

Three new Philco mod­els (table mod­el and two con­soles) that oper­at­ed on a six-volt stor­age bat­tery, the 38-39 used six tubes and received AM and short­wave from 5.7 to 18 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $55

Num­ber made: 20,970 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-7T, 38-22T & 38-40T)

Model 38-39K

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-23K, 38-38K, 38-40K, 38-89K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-39X

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $82.50

Num­ber made: 18,231 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-8X, 38-23X, 38-38X & 38-40X)

Model 38-40T

This new Philco could oper­ate on either 115 volts AC or a 6-volt stor­age bat­tery. It used six tubes, and received both the AM band and short­wave from 5.7 to 18 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 20,970 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-7T, 38-22T & 38-39T)

Model 38-40K

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $75

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-23K, 38-38K, 38-39K, 38-89K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-40X

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $87.50

Num­ber made: 18,231 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-8X, 38-23X, 38-38X & 38-39X)

Model 38-60B

A return of the mid-sea­son 1937 mod­el 37-60, the 1938 ver­sion had a larg­er escutcheon. Five tubes, 115 volts AC, and recep­tion of the AM band and short­wave from 2.3 to 7.4 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: 45,500 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-34B & 38-89B as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-34B, 37-38B, 37-60B, 37-61B & 37-89B)

Model 38-60F

The "60" returned for 1938 in a new con­sole cabinet.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $49.95

Num­ber made: 31,300 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-10F, 38-33F, 38-34F & 38-35F)

Model 38-62T

This was the late ver­sion mod­el 37-62T with a dif­fer­ent mod­el num­ber (38 instead of 37, to indi­cate the 1938 mod­el year). Like the 1937 mod­el, it used five tubes and oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC. It received AM and the "police" band (2.3 to 2.5 mc).

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $29.95

Num­ber made: 56,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of both ver­sions of mod­el 37-62T)

Model 38-62F

The con­sole ver­sion of mod­el 38-62 was, again, iden­ti­cal to the Spring 1937 mod­el 37-62F.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $39.95

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-89B

Yet anoth­er recy­cled Philco mod­el, the 38-89 used the same chas­sis as the pre­vi­ous year's 37-89 (six tubes, 115 volts AC, two bands); and the Baby Grand ver­sion even used the same cab­i­net as the mid-sea­son 1937 model.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $45

Num­ber made: 45,500 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-34B & 38-60B as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-34B, 37-38B, 37-60B, 37-61B & 37-89B)

Model 38-89K

A new con­sole cab­i­net for mod­el 38-89.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-23K, 38-38K, 38-39K, 38-40K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-93B

The new "93" was now in a tomb­stone cab­i­net, although its front pan­el had the same photofin­ish pat­tern as the pre­vi­ous cathe­dral-shaped 37-93. It oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC, used five tubes and received the AM band.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $22.95

Num­ber made: 5,300

Model 38-116XX

One of two High Fideli­ty Philcos for 1938, the new 116 received an updat­ed 15-tube chas­sis and a com­plete­ly new "No Squat, No Stoop, No Squint" cab­i­net. Like its pre­de­ces­sor, it cov­ered five bands (530-1600 kc, 1.58-4.75 mc, 4.7-7.4 mc, 7.35-11.6 mc & 11.5-18.2 mc), and oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

Dur­ing the 1938 sea­son, Philco pro­duced its ten mil­lionth radio - a 38-116XX. To cel­e­brate the mile­stone, a lim­it­ed num­ber of 38-116XX sets were pro­duced with a small brass tag mount­ed under the bandswitch knob which read "Exact Repli­ca of The Ten Mil­lionth Philco, Built For" with orig­i­nal purchaser's name engraved at the bot­tom of the tag.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $200

Num­ber made: 25,600

Model 38-610B

Once again, Philco reis­sued a 1937 mod­el as a 1938 mod­el. The 38-610 was iden­ti­cal in every respect to the mid-sea­son 1937 mod­el 37-610, includ­ing the use of the same cab­i­net on the Baby Grand mod­el (shown here).

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $49.95

Num­ber made: 12,500 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-610B & 37-611B)

Model 38-610J

Like the 610 Baby Grand, the 610 con­sole was left over from the 1937 sea­son - only this one dat­ed back to the begin­ning of the '37 sea­son (June 1936)!

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 48,200 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of June 1936 mod­els 37-38J & 37-610J)

Model 38-620T

The chas­sis of Mod­el 38-620 came from the 1937 sea­son (37-620). The cab­i­nets were dif­fer­ent; the "620" was now a table mod­el, using the mid-sea­son 1937 Mod­el 37-610T's cab­i­net. Six tubes, 115 volts AC, three bands. Mod­el 38-620 was not offered as a con­sole or a Baby Grand Mod­el in the 1938 season.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 19,034 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-623T, 38-624T & 38-2620T as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-610T & 37-611T)

Models 38-623T & 38-624T

Here are two more Philcos that were orig­i­nal­ly 1937 mod­els. The 38-623 oper­at­ed on bat­ter­ies, while the 38-624 was pow­ered by a 6-volt stor­age bat­tery. Both used six tubes, and both could receive AM and two short­wave bands (2.3 to 7.4 & 7.35 to 22 mc).

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $55 (38-623T), $65 (38-624T)

Num­ber made: 19,034 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-620T, 38-623T, 38-624T & 38-2620T as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 Mod­els 37-610T & 37-611T)

Models 38-623K, 38-624K & 38-630K

Mod­els 38-623 & 38-624 shared this "K" cab­i­net, as did Mod­el 38-630 - which used the chas­sis of the 1937 mod­el 37-630, with minor revi­sions. The 38-630 oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC, and had the same fre­quen­cy cov­er­age of mod­els 38-623 & 38-624. Mod­el 38-630 also used a shad­owme­ter. The 38-630 was only avail­able as a con­sole in the 1938 season.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $69.95 (38-623K), $79.95 (38-624K, 38-630K)

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-23K, 38-38K, 38-39K, 38-40K, 38-89K, 38-623K, 38-624K, 38-630K & 38-2630K)

Model 38-643B

Once again in 1938, the 38-643 was the best Philco you could buy if you need­ed a radio that oper­at­ed on bat­ter­ies. With its all-wave cov­er­age and use of sev­en tubes, it is easy to see why. Its tun­ing range includ­ed 530-1600 kc, 1.58-4.8 mc, 4.7-11.6 mc & 11.5-18.2 mc. Elec­tron­i­cal­ly, this set is iden­ti­cal to the 1937 Mod­el 37-643.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $79.95

Num­ber made: 6,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-5B, 38-665B & 38-2650B)

Models 38-643X & 38-665X

Philco's best bat­tery set shared an Inclined Sound­ing Board con­sole cab­i­net with one of the company's bet­ter AC sets. Mod­el 38-665 was a repeat of the 1937 mod­el 37-665, with the same fre­quen­cy cov­er­age: 530-1720 kc, 2.3-7.4 mc, 7.35-22 mc & 25-42 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $105 (38-643X), $129.50 (38-665X)

Num­ber made: 69,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-643X, 38-665X & 38-2650X as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-643X & 37-665X)

Model 38-665B

The Baby Grand ver­sion of mod­el 38-665 was, again, iden­ti­cal elec­tron­i­cal­ly to the 1937 mod­el 37-665.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $79.95

Num­ber made: 6,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-5B, 38-643B & 38-2650B)

Model 38-690XX

The finest radio Philco ever built, the 20-tube High Fideli­ty 38-690 has improved cir­cuit­ry from its 1937 pre­de­ces­sor, pro­duc­ing a smoother sound. The new cab­i­net had a tam­bour door which hid its Auto­mat­ic Tun­ing dial and con­trols, but allowed the set to oper­ate even with the door pulled down.

Its fre­quen­cy cov­er­age includ­ed 530-1600 kc, 1.58-4.75 mc, 4.7-7.4 mc, 7.35-11.6 mc & 11.5-18.2 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $395

Num­ber made: 3,000

Model 38-2620T

Sim­i­lar to mod­el 38-620T, the 38-2620 had a dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cy cov­er­age (150 to 350 kc long­wave; 530 to 1720 kc AM; and 5.7 to 18 mc short­wave). It used six tubes and oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $59.95

Num­ber made: 19,034 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-620T, 38-623T & 38-624T as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 mod­els 37-610T & 37-611T)

Model 38-2630K

This mod­el was much like the 38-630K in that it used six tubes, oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC, and had three band cov­er­age and a shad­owme­ter; how­ev­er, its fre­quen­cy cov­er­age was iden­ti­cal to the 38-2620 above.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $79.95

Num­ber made: 28,400 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-9K, 38-23K, 38-38K, 38-39K, 38-40K, 38-89K, 38-620K, 38-623K, 38-624K & 38-630K)

Model 38-2650B

An eight tube mod­el that was a recy­cled 37-2650 in a new cab­i­net. It oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC and had four bands: 150-350 kc, 530-1720 kc, 5.7-11.6 mc & 11.5-18.2 mc.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $89.95

Num­ber made: 6,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-5B, 38-643B & 38-665B)

Model 38-2650X

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $115

Num­ber made: 69,000 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of mod­els 38-643X & 38-665X as well as Jan­u­ary 1937 Mod­els 37-643X & 37-665X)

Model 38-2670B

Yet anoth­er 1938 mod­el that was a recy­cled ver­sion of a 1937 mod­el; in this case, the 37-2670. The chas­sis were iden­ti­cal, as was the Baby Grand cab­i­net. The 38-2670 also offered five band cov­er­age in an 11 tube pack­age that oper­at­ed on 115 volts AC.

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $99.95

Num­ber made: 9,500 (Note: Fig­ure includes pro­duc­tion of June 1937 mod­els 37-670B & 37-2670B)

Model 38-2670B

Undoc­u­ment­ed vari­ant of Mod­el 38-2670 Baby Grand (tomb­stone).

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: Unknown

Num­ber made: Unknown

Model 38-2670X

Orig­i­nal sell­ing price: $139.50

Num­ber made: Unknown

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The views expressed here­in regard­ing the for­mer Philco Cor­po­ra­tion are the opin­ions of the Philco Radio His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. The Soci­ety shall not be held liable for their accu­ra­cy, nor shall they be held respon­si­ble for any dam­ages caused to oth­ers by the expres­sion of these opinions.

"PHILCO" is a reg­is­tered trade­mark of Philips Elec­tron­ics North Amer­i­ca Corporation.