Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-05-2015
i am snowed in today so I am re-capping a Tradio for my uncle. I have a resistor with a brown body, yellow stripe, red stripe , red stripe. I only have the list for body, end , dot.
Where can I get the one for these and what is its value?
Thanks guys
RE: Resistor values question -
morzh - 03-05-2015
Looks like 220K. red-red-yellow= 22x10,000 = 220,000 Ohm = 220K.
measure it first, see if it is in the vicinity.
RE: Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-05-2015
Thanks, I now have grey, red, brown with a 10% tolerance. That is 8200 ohms?
RE: Resistor values question -
Kestas - 03-05-2015
820 Ω.
You may want to download this link. It has a lot of good information. Resistor codes are on Page 73.
There are many more resistor tables available on the web in color.
RE: Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-05-2015
Another question...
The electrolytic is 40,30,20, where do the negatives go? To ground? Mike! You needto yeah me to read these D**n schematics
RE: Resistor values question -
sam - 03-05-2015

theirs another one you will fix told ya he`s not doc holiday
RE: Resistor values question -
morzh - 03-05-2015
geez dude I ain't saying you gotta be able to read all that noodly stuff but cain't ya see the negative (common for all three) goes to the S1 switch or possibly a wire coming from it somewhere on some solder post?
BTW don't call them 40, 30, 20 as on the sch they are C8, A, B and C sections. This is called reference designator and those are for referring to the parts.
RE: Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-05-2015
Say what?
RE: Resistor values question -
sam - 03-05-2015
psst mike
when talking to kirk
you have to put it into colors red crayon to here. green crayon to here and all the black crayons go together here
RE: Resistor values question -
morzh - 03-05-2015
S. Reads as "a**". Well, since the censor corercts it, it is another word for a Donkey.
1. reads as "Juan".
S1. "a** Juan".
Switch. You know. The clicky do-hickey. Makes clicking sound and connects Mains to your radio.
let me know the level of decomposing, I will oblige.

RE: Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-06-2015
Ok well I am looking and I don't see a direct wire to the switch. Can I just run the negatives to the chassis ground?
RE: Resistor values question -
morzh - 03-06-2015
No, they are NOT to the chassis.
Again, look at the power switch (probably coupled with your volume?).
One wire goes to the power cord, another should go to the filaments' string AND to the negative of these caps.
This is NOT a hot chassis radio, and the chassis is coupled into that negative via a capacitor C16. BTW one pin of that C16 is on the chassis and another is on that negative plus power switch plus filaments.
RE: Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-06-2015
Yeah, I didn't get that
What does it mean when it says "can is common negative? That's what the can has on it. Maybe it is not that schematic? This radio is not marked so I was going by the picture.
RE: Resistor values question -
OldRestorer - 03-06-2015
I think I found it!
Wire running from the cans twisted piece that hold the can down running to a terminal strip!
Hope that is it?
RE: Resistor values question -
sam - 03-06-2015
why don`t you show a pic of chassis to help you