NY radio makers? - Guest - 02-22-2006
How may I find the name of companies making Broadcast radios in New York State during the time from 1930 to 1932?
Poston Drake - 02-23-2006
Hi Steve,
I don't have anything specifically for the period 1930-1932, but I do have a 1944 Sylvania Tube Complement Manual which lists the following receiver manufacturers in the State of NY in 1944:
Air King Products Co. (Brooklyn)
Allied Engineering Institute (NYC)
American Communications Corp. (NYC)
Amplex Radio Corp. (NYC)
Andrea Radio Corp. (Woodside, L.I.)
Ansley Radio Corp. (NYC)
Bell Radio & Telev. (NYC)
Brunswick Radio Div., Mersman Bros. Corp. (NYC)
Canton Trading Co. (NYC)
Colonial Radio Corp. (Buffalo)
Dewald Radio Mfg. Corp. (NYC)
Dictograph Products Co., Inc. (NYC)
Eastern Radio Specialty Co. (NYC)
Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp. (NYC)
Espy Mfg. Co. (NYC)
Fada Radio & Electric Co. (Long Island)
Federated Purchasers, Inc. (NYC)
Ferguson Radio & Television Co. (NYC)
Finch Telecommunications, Inc. (NYC)
Freed Mfg. Co. (NYC)
Freely Corp. (NYC)
Garod Radio Corp. (NYC)
General Television & Radio Corp. (NYC)
Grebe Mfg. Co., Inc. (NYC)
Gross Radio, Inc. (NYC)
Hammarlund Mfg. Co. (NYC)
Jefferson-Travis Radio Mfg. Corp. (NYC)
Karns-White Corp. (NYC)
Lafayette Radio Corp. (NYC)
La Salle Radio Corp. (NYC)
Luxor Radio Mfg. Co. (NYC)
Mansley Radio Corp. (Baldwin)
Marconiphone, Inc. (NYC)
Marine Radio Corp. (Jamaica)
Namco Mfg. Co., Inc. (NYC)
Pacent Engineering Corp. (NYC)
Philmore Mfg. Co. (NYC)
Pilgrim Electric Corp. (NYC)
Pilot Radio Corp. (Long Island, NYC)
Port-O-Matic Corp. (NYC)
Presto Recording Corp. (NYC)
Radio Constructors Labs (NYC)
Radiomarine Corp. of America (NYC)
Radio Supplies (NYC)
Radio Transciever Labs (Richmond Hill)
Radio Wire Telev., Inc. (NYC)
Regal Amplifier Mfg. Corp. (NYC)
Sara Co. (NYC)
Savil Radio Engineering Corp. (NYC)
Sillcox Radio & Telev. Corp. (NYC)
Sky Chief Radio Corp. (NYC)
Sonora Elec. Phonograph Co., Inc. (NYC)
Stromberg-Carlson Tele. Mrg. Co. (Rochester)
United Cinephone Corp. (NYC)
United States Telev. Mfg. Corp. (NYC)
Universal Tube Mfg. Co. (Brooklyn)
Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. (NYC)
This list includes New York State only. Many others just across the border, such as RCA Mfg. Co. at Camden, NJ.
It is impossible to say just how many of the above actually manufactured their own receivers, and how many were buying either full or partially-assembled sets from others.
As mentioned, this list is from 1944. Most likely a list from 1930-1932 would be much longer, as many companies folded during the Depression.
The only State even remotely approaching New York in number of radio manufacturers was Illinois, and those were almost all either in or near Chicago.
NY radio companies - Guest - 02-25-2006
Hi Poston:
Thank you for the very helpful info.
Now I have to find a 1931 New York mfg. 7-tube radio whose antenna enters via a 235 whose grid and plate are grounded...with the ant signal going to that 235 cathode....closest I've found is a Delco...but that's not NY.