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46-421 question

Working on this unit & would like to know how others
have handled C-15---a .2 tubular with 8 turns of
insulated wire wrapped on it.

It is between chassis ground & circuit B-.
What is a reasonable alternative for this? It should
be replaced, as it looks to be original & is probably

Hi Jim, There are several threads on these types of caps you can search out.  Chuck has a service tip on this as well. Some indicate you don't really need the little coil of wire as it was a way to suppress radio signals that are no longer a problem.  Most folks pull the old cap out of the tube, stuffing in a new cap and leaving the coil of wire in place (or replacing it after the cap is stuffed).  Here's a picture (a little out of focus) of one restuffed:

Thanks for the tips. Will probably re-stuff the cap.

Hey Jim
Long time no hear from!! It's use to block out LF beacons from getting in to the 455kc IF. Not many beacons around anymore.
Gud Lk w/it

Read through threads & Chucks advice, & it is GOOD reading
since I'd never run across one of these.

In the threads, Sparky mentions that the old foil caps seldom
go bad. I would have to differ with that--most need replaced.

Bob---did you have to "tune" the coil when you replaced the
cap in yours? Just wondering for future.

This is actually a set for the radio Grandson for a 4-H project,
so all this info is much appreciated. He's already done several
old units already.

Thanks much, guys.

Nope, no tuning of the coil required.

Terry---thanks for the greetings.
Haven't had a Philco to work on lately, so
haven't needed any help from you guys.

However, I read up on what's happening
here all the time. I always learn something.

We do have the other radio section if you get hung up on a non Philco set. Just post a schematic from Riders so we can see what it is.

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