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[split] 46-1226 restoration

I recently picked up a Philco Radio Model 46-1226 and was looking for a list of the capicators to purchase and came across your post saying you had completed a list. Just wondering if you still have that around that you might share

The service documentation for the 46-1226 is available on the audiophool site at (you need the djvu plug in to read the files which is available on his main page)

I am troubleshotting a 46-1226 and was able to get all the way through to the section 4 (tunner) and the confguration around the 7f8 tube did not match what was in the scehmatics & diagrams that I downloaded fom Audiophool. Wondering if any one is aware of an alternate configurations. it all looks original so dont think someone has been playing aroundin it.

I split your thread out so your questions don't get confused with the other thread. I had a 48-482 that had documentation to use a 6SQ7GT but a 7B6 was used in production. I don't have any other info on your model, perhaps someone else will.

Here is some better documentation on the 7f8 tube change. Scroll to the last couple of pages for the change information. This doc is located in the Philco Library, I should have looked there first!

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