09-15-2024, 04:36 PM
OK all, I do still have the Emerson on the bench, made a very major change this year (another thread) but I'm not driving a school bus anymore. I've got too many projects that need done and some I want done. Time is fleeting so this is one of my latest finds. A Predicta Pedestal. Wasn't looking for it but it found me in an antique store, looked intact and the price was fair. So it followed me home. I think it is one of the coolest Predicta sets Philco made and have hopes to bring it back to life. Mr Anderson has quite a bit of experience on these and I'm sure he will jump in here a time or two. He has a LOT of very good videos out there on various versions of these. Upon initial inspection I did find a couple cracks in the rear cover. It doesn't look like the screen cover was seated right in the strap.
I pulled the covers to see what tube was hiding in there and to hopefully test it to find the condition. Well, it IS the original 21EAP4 with the 2.38v heater. But to my surprise, it has cutoff and it tested right on the line between "bad" and "?". It's not dead by any means. Yes, I'd like to see it in the green, but a lower emission tube doesn't mean it wont produce a good picture. It will probably limit how bright it will get and how much contrast. It wont be a daily driver so if it shows a good picture, it will probably last as long as I will ever need. I did note some blue sparks when I hit "emission" with the old B&K, but I'm sure it was "waking up". No shorts. I used the Sencore afterwards which seems much nicer to the tubes. . If you watch any "Shango066" videos, you will see that sometimes he tests a tube and it shows very low, but when he brings the set to life, it show's a very good picture. I hope this is the case here.
I pulled the back off, all tubes were in place, but did have the CRT wires unplugged and (UGH) the HV lead cut. It does look like the H osc tube went to air and the H out tube also. I'm sure someone plugged it in. Death cap was blown and snipped out. So, I'll replace those 2 tubes and dim bulb it to check things. Fly looks a little melted and it has been moused some. So stay tuned for updates and feel free to jump in with comments. This will not be a rapid project as I have other things on the plate that need done over the winter.
I pulled the covers to see what tube was hiding in there and to hopefully test it to find the condition. Well, it IS the original 21EAP4 with the 2.38v heater. But to my surprise, it has cutoff and it tested right on the line between "bad" and "?". It's not dead by any means. Yes, I'd like to see it in the green, but a lower emission tube doesn't mean it wont produce a good picture. It will probably limit how bright it will get and how much contrast. It wont be a daily driver so if it shows a good picture, it will probably last as long as I will ever need. I did note some blue sparks when I hit "emission" with the old B&K, but I'm sure it was "waking up". No shorts. I used the Sencore afterwards which seems much nicer to the tubes. . If you watch any "Shango066" videos, you will see that sometimes he tests a tube and it shows very low, but when he brings the set to life, it show's a very good picture. I hope this is the case here.
I pulled the back off, all tubes were in place, but did have the CRT wires unplugged and (UGH) the HV lead cut. It does look like the H osc tube went to air and the H out tube also. I'm sure someone plugged it in. Death cap was blown and snipped out. So, I'll replace those 2 tubes and dim bulb it to check things. Fly looks a little melted and it has been moused some. So stay tuned for updates and feel free to jump in with comments. This will not be a rapid project as I have other things on the plate that need done over the winter.
If I could find the place called "Somewhere", I could find "Anything"

Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me , believes not in me but in him who sent me" John 12:44