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philco ford radio ft 6

        hello i have just got a philco ft 6 radio around 1935-6 with built in speaker
i have a hot live wire with fuse going in but what is the six pin plug for.
looking inside only two pins are used.

You have a 1935-36 Ford "OPEN" car radio, The pins on the side where for testing the radio,while it was still in the car

hello bill
thanks for your reply
the pins for testing radio are under the slideing flap to the right of the open pin socket.
i have since found out that the socket with the two pins hot/live were for an external speaker if one was needed.

hello bill
thanks for you reply

This is my first post so I am new at this. I also have the FT-6 like Roger has. It is for an open '35 Ford of mine. I also happen to have the enclosed car version of the FT-6. I am taking the open car radio to the repair man today. I had an enlarged schematic that I have missplaced here at the house and was wondering if I can download one somewhere.

I don't have a speaker for the enclosed radio like Roger posted the pictures. I need to find one and would appreciate any lead in that regard. I actually don't know what I am looking for.

The enclosed version has all the schematic and parts lists inside the back cover but it is small.

Thank you,

Ken in Texas

I have a radio FT-6 for a '35 Ford open car and made a post but can't see it. Let me try again.

Ken in Texas

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