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Best Philco Day... two 16Bs!

I've been meaning to post a couple pictures for a while... I couldn't post them right when they were taken, because the shouldered 16B was a surprise for my friend LedHed.

Anyway, back in early April my better half and I drove down to Portland, OR to buy a couple radios. In a matter of an hour, we collected up TWO Philco 16Bs, the shouldered tombstone from a thrift store, and the peaked tombstone from a craigslist contact.

This picture shows the two radios in the back of my car, with the seller of the peaked tombstone, Joel, bravely saying goodbye to his baby. The peaked tombstone has an aftermarket BFO installed in it, with an extra 37 tube. Yes, this is the über-rare 12-tube 16B. Icon_wink



Great find Icon_clap Beautiful condition too.
I never knew there was an after market BFO made that's in your peaked version. The 16B's are a great set.

Pale, Those Philco 16B's are great performers. I have the earlier 5 band peaked tombstone in my collection. Hope they work as good for you when finished.

Ok, what is a BFO?

No matter where you go, there you are.

A BFO is a beat frequency oscillator that is used in ham radio to make CW transmission audible. It also helps with lower or upper single sideband voice transmissions. It was a standard feature in communications receivers.

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