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37 116 veneer cracking

I am trying to repair the cracked curved veneer on the top of my Philco 37 116. This is a typical problem on these cabinets. 

I would like the veneer to open up enough so I can get some glue inside. Right now it is too tight to the cabinet to get glue under it. If I could lift it a bit that could work well. 

Does anyone have a method to do this?

I welcome any ideas you may have. 


I use an insulin syringe with watered down wood glue and inject it between the grain lines. To raise it you can use an iron and wet rag to steam the glue underneath enough to loosen it.

Thanks, I was thinking along those lines. I was hoping there was an easier method. It may take a long time with an iron, but then again I wont know for sure until I try.


Steve, probably one of the hardest problem in veneer to repair. Good luck and the ideas give are probably the best. It is just not easier but easier than replacing all that veneer sheet. After heating clamping down the glued piece to get it down proper is the toughest. Good luck and show some pictures.


A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

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