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Was there ever a Philco 38-25?

I was at an antique store yesterday, and saw a Philco console with a model #38-25 (I did not write down the model number or take a picture, so I could be wrong but I did memorize the number before I left the store). Anyways, after I got home, I paid a visit to the usual sites (This site, Nostalgia air, radioatticarchives, to find information about this model and was surprised to find absolutely no info on this model...It has a five-tube chassis (I was unable to determine the types of tubes) and has three bands with a rectangular dial and push-button tuning. Anyone know if this critter ever existed?


Hi Don

To briefly answer your

Now to explain: Philco did not introduce pushbuttons or the rectangular slide rule dial until they brought out their 1939 line of radios in June 1938. The Model 39-25 fits your description, however.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thanks, Ron! As I said earlier in my post, I was relying on my not-so-reliable memory for the model number. I did look up the picture of the 39-25 on your website, and it does look like that, so it may have been a 39-25 after all Icon_redface


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