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My Philco TV collection

I only have four, and am looking for more. I restored a 50T1403 and it works great. Ron, in an email you sent me a while back you had mentioned having a TV made by Philco.

I recapped mine. Due to lack of space, I had to restuff some of the cans. I was going nuts with this one. Details on my site.

I scored number four recently, and the CRT is good. I think this will be a project for this fall or winter.

I have a Transitone protable from the 50's. This was vairaced and produced a picture. This will get a full recap. Some hack "fixed" it before. It is not good when there are caps hanging in mid air.

Finally, I have a 17" swivel console. I have not done anything with this yet, but the cabinet will need refinished.

Philco made some good stuff. My hopes are for Philco to outnumber RCA Victor in my collection.

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I finished my 50T-1443, about 6 months ago, and could not get it to work. I finally bit the bullet and took it to Bill Santoro, who lives about an hour from me.
He did compliment me on my restoration of the chassis, he said it looked great, the problem he found so far is that I'm not the first to have done work to it, and the guy made some mistakes. So he is straightening it out for me. He is One heck of a nice guy. His specialty is Predictas, He even does work for Ross Marshall, by the way, another nice guy. I wonder if other manufacturers have such good people in the hobby ?

I'll only speak for myself. I don't have any particular specialty as far as manufacturers. If it has tubes in it, I'm interested. I don't think there are any that only collect only Philco. I could be wrong.

Each manufacturer had their quirks. RCA had the very unreliable printed circuit boards and flybacks (color sets). Zeniths are built like a tank. My Andrea was a very easy restoration.

My links page has resources available for help. You can also opt to call me a meathead, then ask your questions.

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I am looking for a good 70s philco ford color tv.I had one several years ago and let it go. I sure do miss the picture quality it had.Any-one have any ideas where I could locate another? Thank you . Paul

Took a look at your site with the tv's and the RCA color in particular. I spent my youth fixing these things and have changed a case or two of 6GH8's and a flyback or two. I offer this tip just in case your not aware of it. The resistors to the chroma tubes had habits of cooking to a low value raising plate and screen grid voltage and robing color quality, just an FYI..

Have fun
Dave C

Dave Casazza
Keep em glowin and goin...

I should have posted this a while back. I scored a 17" Philco console. This is the one that uses two chassis. The CRT was very slow to come up, but it eventually did. The cabinet is in excellent condition. I also have a spare CRT for this and possibly my swivel set. This should be a very easy restoration.

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