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Pilot hookup to old radios

Hi Guy's,
Picked up a nice old Pilot FM converter along with a very nice Zenith 6S254 radio.
The two are paired together with an RCA jack.
What I would like to do is get an adapter to go from the RCA jack on the radio to a standard 3.5mm female  so I can also plug my Iphone into it.
Plus then I could use the Pilot on any of my radios which I have already installed the 3.5mm jacks on.
Problem is, the 3.5 mm jacks as well as the male to male cords that you buy for your I phones or whatever are set up for stereo with a red/white and ground wire.
Is there a way I can hook up the Pilot cord to work with the 3.5mm jack, or do I have to add an RCA jack to my old radios that I want to use the Pilot with?
Never been impressed with the performance of the 3.5mm jack and Iphone or whatever  as compared to the Pilot performance.
Trying to go from mono to stereo I guess.
Any suggestions?

I am guessing both the Zenith and Pilot are mono. Just buy an RCA to 3.5mm stereo cable. You may also want to buy a female RCA "Y-Connector".

Maybe this will help.     https://antiqueradio.org/iPodAdaptor.htm

I have ordered the adaptor plug. Wiill see how it works.
I am guessing we will only hear one of the 2 signals.
Thanks for the info.

I would like to build one of these.
Thanks for the link.

I see you are using RCA jacks for all 3.
So, the cable you are using must be 3.5mm male on one end and RCA male on the other 2.
Am I reading it correctly?
Thanks, murf

Yes!  I find Phils is a good starting point when thinking about building stuff helps keep me out of trouble. Stay safe David

Put one of these together last night, and it works awesome! Sound quality and volume is so much better than using just the 3.5mm hookup.
Have another question for you.
If installing an RCA jack in another of my old radios, is it necessary to use shielded cable?
After doing a few with the 3.5mm shielded cable, I almost prefer the Rica jacks just because they are more durable.
Have adaptors that make it easy to go either way.
Is it recommended to use a toggle switch to switch from radio to iPhone?
Thanks, murf

Ok, so if I want to add a 3.5mm jack with a switch, are we talking a 2 position toggle switch or a 3 position switch.
Seems like the best performers I have as far as bring outside signals into the radio, have a toggle switch and an RCA jack.
The best I have is a 6 tube zenith with an RCA jack and a toggle switch(on/off).
I have adapters to take from RCA to 3.5 with no problem.
Built one of Phill's adaptor boxes, and it is awesome.
Has all RCA jacks, so I can use the pilot, my phone with an adapter, or my CD player or record player.
Seems the volume and sound quality is far superior to the radios I have that just have the 3.5mm jack tied to the volume switch via a .02 cap.
Call me crazy, but I am just going by what I have.
The RCA hookup that was put into my 6 tube zenith by the previous owner, has a switch and a few resistors wired into the circuit.
It was not done with shielded cable either and it sounds awesome.
Is this old school ?
I am still looking for a simple solution to this problem.
And yes, I realize that I am not looking to get 2 channel stereo. Just decent sound with a nominal amount of volume.

Ok guy's,
Put a 3.5mm jack in another zenith using a 1k resistor on each of the 2 hot lines on the plug.
Joined them together to creat a mono line which is wired to the volume switch using shielded cable and a .02 cap on the switch end.
Works great.
Have good volume and sound quality.
Looks like I have found a good working solution.
Merry X-mas to All !

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