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Philco 144

And thank you, Arran. Icon_thumbup The fellow who runs that site is a first rate guy, but he depends upon his contributors for the info given (referring to that site's Archives).

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Wow, Ron!!! That's some neat info.

FYI my model 97 has the metal tag too. Since I found it in northern NY, would not be surprised if it came from Canada!

And Mike: yes, you are ABSOLUTELY correct, near Goldsboro NC, an aerial SNAFU caused the atomic payload of a USAF bomber to be dropped.

ALL of the safety features of the bomb failed EXCEPT the final one. If it too had failed, it would have been a disaster!

I saw a Canadian Philco 38-3610T (or was it A or B) last weekend, and the cabinet was different both from the U.S 37-610, and the one pictured in the Canadian Philco gallery. It had extra marquetry (inlay) on the front panel and on the top, this isn't exactly a surprise as Philco Products of Canada used to farm cabinet work to regional furniture companies. The chassis only had five tubes but it had six holes punched with an extra unused socket hole in the RF deck. It also seemed to have three bands, which I don't think that a U.S 38-610 would have had.

As far as I know, all 37/38-610 sets, as well as Canadian 37/38-3610 sets, are five tube radios with no RF amplifier stage. And, yes, all 37/38-610 sets have three bands.

Interesting that the set you saw had an extra socket hole in the RF deck, Arran. But not surprising, given Philco's penchant to use up as many parts as they could, in any way they could...

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Tom (TA) - does your 97's tag state "Philco Products Ltd., Toronto, Canada" or "Philadelphia Storage Battery Co., Philadelphia, PA, Made in U.S.A."?

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN


Thanks for all replays.
When i start the restoration, i put more pictures.


Regards from Portugal,

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