Was reading some posts about the shadow meter and was inspired to pull the one on the 660 off. Got it off ok but don't quite see how to get the vane and it's pivot plate out with damaging it so I can mount it on a spindle. It also looks like there are 5 dinky brass tabs at the back of it (where the wires are solder on) and I'm guessing that I pry those up to gain access to the backside of the coil. Dang it's got a LOT of wire on it!!!!
rewinding one is quite easy!!! If I can do it so can you. I did not remove the triangle shaped sheetmetal. Take a measurement of the opening of the vane viewing area(the triangle looking horn), it should be 1/2 inch or so. All I did was find a bolt head that was slightly larger than the triangle horn looking part of the meter. Pushed the bolt in between the metal sides of the viewing area, then zip tied the bolt with washer and nut on securely.. With a washer and nut tight against the head of the bolt, the washer will stop the bolt from going too far inside the horn. I could then insert the threaded end of the bolt into a drill. My drill wasn't variable so I used a variac for speed.....very easy to do.
I have the later style shadow meter on the 37-630. which has the triangle horn on it. If thats the earlier style just fit that round ridge next to the vane inside a pipe. Then mount pipe to a drill. I bought 8000 feet of wire and used a spool dowel that just fit perfectly in the spools hole.
I started collecting radios when I was a kid.......never kept any of them. Always messed them up(didnt know what I was doing) Sucessfully bought my first radio and got it working in 1995in california, and carried it home on a 3 day train ride. It was a philco 38 code 123 battery operated farm set.
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2016, 11:28 PM by quartermilecamel.)
So I'm assuming that you have to remove the phonalic wafer from the back side of the coil. It looks like it's held on by 5 little brass tabs. Mine are sort of inbeded into the wafer. Was thinking that it might be easier to grind them down a bit and use a little glue at reassembly.
So you didn't take any parts from center of the coil? Like the vane and such? If you didn't what good did the washer do as you couldn't put the bolt though center of the coil? I'm missing something.
You might want to try this to get a better look at yours. If you do don't get mad at me if it breaks Good luck.
I don't know if this will help but thought you might take a look.
Hey Mike,
Tnx for the pics. I've kinda put it on the back burner till I get this confounded chassis working. I did find another shadow meter from a 116x set I've got. It's a different style it has flat electromagnet. The coil is good but don't get much deflection. Something else to figure out.