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That's a nice looking radio!


M R Radios   C M Tubes

It is, Steve.

I do like RCA style of the time; I still have not become a dedicated RCA collector, but I do appreciate them nonetheless. And one of my bucket list radios is RCA140, which I recently happened to acquire, and one of my near projects will be that very radio.

As for R-73, on John Huffnagle table there was a R-73. Let's just say that the price was about 7x vs what I paid for mine (OK, well, mine was practically a gift forced upon me by Kirk, so it's not fair to compare the prices). Then again, John's was restored. Icon_smile

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

  You could try posting your video on a new tech video sharing site like Odysee or Rumble, they don't seem to have overzealous copyright bots on those. This fellow also posts on Y.T: as does this one: and one of my favorites: .
The latter two had problems with Y.T taking down their entire channels, for now reason at all, so now they post on odysee for back up. 

Great job and fantastic patience, Michael. I also really like this radio and its gothic design, like most of the 1932-36 RCAs.

Old Tube Radio Online Museum / Музей ретро радіо

Sincerely Peter
З повагою Петро


Thanks, I will try to go there and open an account. I hope I did not delete the rest of my videos on my computer. Maybe I could stick them in there too.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

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