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wooden cabinet cleaning, waxing

Been doing a 41-280 with an original finish that was not perfect but ok for it's age.I did as complete a job as possible with dilute citrus cleaner to remove the standard dirt.After that the cabinet looked dull but cleaner.I have polished another philco with paste wax and decent results.But this time I used a product called Harden Furniture cream.It says "cleans ,polishes ,waxes,protects". It contains petroleum distilles and has the fumes to go with it. It smells like mineral spirits.Anyway it did what appears to be a real good job! Much better than MinWax paste wax . I am wary when things work to good or quickly. Does anyone else use this stuff ? Is it going to take the lacquer finish off ? Or am I dealing with a polyurethane finish on a 41-280? It worked so well I am thinking of doing my currently paste waxed 42-400 model.

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