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So either Philco used the same chassis base for the models with FM and without, and just left the socket in there whether it was used or not, or something else plugs in there!
Greg V.
West Bend, WI
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Johnny (Pepperoni), I trust you have the schematic for the 46-1209?
I just looked it up. The socket is for external AM and SW antennas. Pinout:
1 - AM
2 - SW
3 - Ground
4, 5 - NC
That chassis looks great, by the way.
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN
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Thanks Ron! I have the schematic for a 46-1209 code 121 and I don't see that 5 pin connector on there anywhere. It should be on the RF page of the schematics but all I see is the terminal strip with pins 1, 2, and 3 on it. Pin 3 N/C but in the radio itself there is a connection to pin 3 that goes to a 68 ohm resistor that connects to one leg of the volume control. That's the way the set was when I got it and that is on the schematic.
But on the engineering drawing of the dial backplate scale it shows a drawing of the underside of the chassis and there is a "4" pin connector on there. Tad bit confused now. Was there another run #?
But here's a picture of the main chassis. Radios complete now but I was sent a couple of wrong tubes and I'm waiting for the correct ones now. Obviously the chassis isn't complete in this pic. Post another later.
"It's Nice To Be Nice To The Nice"
Major Frank Burns Mash 4077th
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The 5-pin socket I refer to is here on the RF deck of your chassis (the red arrow points to it):
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN
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Yep! That's the 5 pin socket I originally referred to. But I can't find that socket or its connections on the schematic anywhere. The only antenna connections I see are on the terminal strip next to that connector. It has three screws on it. I see that on the schematic but nothing on a 5 pin connector.
But I did find within the paperwork on this set that this 5 pin connector is "Used Only For Tie Points".
So nothing on the 46-1209 plugs into this 5 pin connector. Used to make connections within the radio and that's all.
Johnny - AKA Pepperoni (takes too long to type)
"It's Nice To Be Nice To The Nice"
Major Frank Burns Mash 4077th
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I don't know what service info you're using, Johnny, but I have the original Philco service manual for the 46-1209 and it shows the following info:
As you can see, the schematic shows the 5-pin socket.
It appears Philco planned to offer an external antenna for this model, but perhaps those plans were later scrapped? Philco would not have spent the money on a socket unless they had planned to make use of it. You take whatever that socket cost, multiply it by tens of thousands of adds up.
You should also know that this was Philco's first radio lineup since 1942. Philco had planned to offer twice as many sets as they ended up offering, and a number of proposed models never made it to production.
So, things were in flux as Philco changed over from wartime production back to civilian production of home and auto radios. They delayed release of TV sets until the 1948 season, long enough for RCA to get a head start on TV, which would be one of many missteps Philco made over the next several years...which ultimately resulted in Philco's sale to Ford in 1961.
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN