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Sanding Veneer -Grain Filler handling

What is the best way to sand the cabinet surface when you have different orientations of the veneer intersecting each other. Top of my 370 pictured.

Also in one of PuhPow’s threads there was mention of the care in handling the cabinet (my 40-155) after the grain filler was rubbed out. Taking care not to get contaminants from your hands on the surface that might affect the quality of the finish. Let’s say "your friend" forgot to have gloves on when you (oops I mean he) handled the cabinet. So as to not to disturb the grain filler what would be the next step in cleaning to insure good adhesion when the toning lacquer is applied?

Roy G

Why are you sanding it? I usually just strip and refinish. If you have to sand it, I suggest doing your best to sand with the grain. You don't have to be perfect. I try to not handle the wood bare handed to avoid fisheyes. I don't know for sure if handling it causes them, but I am paranoid about anything that might cause a fisheye. Go over it really good with a tack rag before you spray any lacquer. I'm not an expert, so someone else might have a better idea.

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

I use lacquer sanding sealer (or shellac) over the grain filler. It does a pretty good job sealing in any contamination. Not that your hands are likely to contaminate it anyway. Your much bigger worry are silicones from spray polished like "Pledge" or Magnolia "Glayzit".

PuhPow, I am sanding because there are some gouges in the surface that requires wood filler.

Roy G

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