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IF Can transplant: Philco into Atwater Kent

A lot of rewiring went into my Atwater Kent Model 206; every wire had to be replaced. When I finally got to the point of connecting 115 volts, I was missing my B+ in one stage. It turned out to be a double open in one of the IF cans. I managed to fix one open but the other open remained elusive.

Sitting under the bench is a box of Philco parts; one of those parts, an IF can, I had marked "470KC". I have no idea what Philco model that came from but it was close enough for my AK needs of 472.5KC.

The Philco ceramic and coil assembly fit perfectly into the Atwater Kent IF can. It almost seems like these IF assemblies were OEM stock. It was easily adjusted to the Atwater Kent's 472.5 KC.

The moral of the story is don't throw out those IF cans when you scrap a chassis; just mark the frequency. Don't throw out the bakelite blocks or shadow meters either.

Pete AI2V

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