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buco datos técnicos de un tocadiscos philco

Hola amigo:
Ha ce unos meses compré un tocadiscos philco pero no sé el modelo lo enciendo y hace ruido pero no gira el tocadiscos ya que vino sin una tecla que tenía arriba y giraba veréis en las fotos que le falta pone en la tecla varias cosas que no entiendo por favor si alguien sabe el modelo se lo agradecería y si me pueden facilitar datos técnicos podríamos una maravilla pondré fotos ya me diréis ya estoy ansioso a las respuestas.

Translation from Google Translate:

Hi friend:
A few months ago I bought a philco turntable but I do not know the model I turn it on and it makes noise but the turntable does not rotate since it came without a key that was on top and it was spinning you will see in the photos that it lacks it puts in the key several things that I do not understand Please, if someone knows the model, I would appreciate it and if you can provide me with technical data, we could have a wonderful time putting photos, you will tell me, I am already anxious for the answers.

No subieron las fotos ~ The photos didn't upload

[archivo adjunto = 22804][archivo adjunto = 22805][archivo adjunto = 22806][archivo adjunto = 22804] [archivo adjunto = 22804] Hola amigo:

A few months ago I bought a philco turntable, but I do not know the model, I turn it on and it makes a noise, but the turntable does not rotate, since it came without a key that was on top and was rotating, as you will see in the photos. what is missing puts in the key several things that I do not understand. Please, if someone knows the model, I would appreciate it and if you can provide me with technical data, we could have a wonderful time putting photos, you will tell me I am already eager for the answers.

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