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Hybrids or Frankenradios

I have no problem with the sanitary swap as Ron described above. It results in a plausable facimile that does what it, or maybe better what it's agregate componets were intended for: to recieve near and far away signals and bring them into your home. And it preserves in a unique way the history of radio that we all love.
I think that keeping an original example original is important, but there are MANY instances where this is not either practical or possible. When the "not practical or possible" decision is reached is where it gets interesting, and this is what should be shared.
I would be very interested in seeing the 665 hybrid or the 70/71of Ron's, and the 620 described previously in this Phorum would also interest me. Maybe someone out there would like to see my "super" 116B.
I believe there are MANY examples out there we all would like to see. Things we can learn from, good, (and bad) ideas, and more.
Is this a good time to make a new Phorum subject????

Color me wondering why 4 out of 5 of my paragraphs start with "I"....


My train of thought on FrankenPhilcos is this:

Sometimes a full-on proper restoration just isn't possible.

If you have a chassis that is a basket case but a decent cabinet, or vice-versa, I say swap 'em as long as you your conscience doesn't bother you--easily solved by just not doing anything that isn't reversible.

I have a 40-180 chassis that is in much better shape than my 40-190's chassis; I'm going to do the restoration/re-capping on the '180 first because it will fit my 190's cabinet. Then I will attempt to redo my 40-190, which someone has worked on (I haven't traced anything out to see if it was done correctly or not). If I can't get the 40-190 restarted, I'll leave the 180 chassis in.

...but I'll look for another 40-190 chassis. Icon_wink

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