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First Philco of the New Year!

I have a friend who collects and deals in antiques and lately he has been buying up small estates and selling alot of stuff to a film studio. I called to chat with him and he mentioned one item the studio hadn't gone for from a recent estate sale was a Philco radio with "A big round glass dial". Well, that didn't tell me much, so I decided to give it a look. Turns out it is a Philco 38-4 with the 'conecentric tuning'! Radio was in decent shape and since I didn't have one of this style in my collection, I bought it.
One question: Did the 38-4 originally have a back? Mine seems to have clips on the cabinet for a back that is no longer there. I scored a couple other things along with teh radio, but those are more for the Bar and Grill phorum. I am running out of room and I STILL keep picking up radios. What's wrong with me? Icon_crazy

No matter where you go, there you are.

Congratulations! Icon_smile I had a year like that last year, when I wasn't really looking for stuff, yet quite a few things (some radios and a few Aladdin lamps) seemed to find me. Maybe now it's your turn in 2011.

Yes, the 38-4 did originally have a back, but most are now long gone. The thin fiberboard broke easily, fell apart due to dampness, was left off by service men over the years, etc.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Uh-oh. If that is the case I am going to need either a bigger trailer or another trailer parked beside it.. Icon_think

No matter where you go, there you are.

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