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Transitone 46-200 parts list?

I picked up this Philco 46-200 at an auction recently and once I opened it, it's a real mess. There was a lytic laying loose on top of the chassis with a pair of wires running around the end of the chassis and connected underneath. Another large lytic strapped with a tie underneath and using the same all green wires to connect it. Neither lytic is marked so I have no idea what's what. There are numerous wires that have been replaced underneath, all with red plastic coated wire. To top it off the speaker has been replaced with a tiny 3" one that doesn't fit and is held in place with a metal strip soldered to the chassis.

OK, all that being said, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment but I'm going to give it a try. I have decent copies of the schematic but what would really help is a parts list. Any chance someone would have one or know where I could find one?



You can get a copy of the 8-page service manual and some production change notes for your 1940 set through my website.

See the Schematic Info page for the included details of my service.



Thanks Chuck. I've purchased from you in the past but in this particular instance I want to see if I can figure out just how badly messed up this radio is before I start putting any more money into it. It may very well end up as a parts donor.


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