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Philco 38-12 oscillator coil part number 32-2586

I am working on a Philco model 38-12. It's a project I work on when I have nothing else going. The cabinet is totally restored, but the chassis is not too good. I discovered last night that my oscillator coil, Philco part number 32-2586, is open on both sets of windings. From my internet research, this item seems to be impossible to get. Any leads on a source for one? I would try to re-wind it if I knew how many turns for each section. Is there any info on that other than just trying to count the coils? Am I better off hoping to find another chassis with a good one? Finally is there a listing of what chassis' this item was installed in? Thanks for any help

You might contact Ron, see the following link. He indicates he only does ones up to 1935. He did a nice job on my 1931. Perhaps he has expanded his service to slightly later radios.
Good luck

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

No, please don't bother, I do not rewind those coils as they require a very high degree of precision, plus equipment that I do not have.

I can see if I have a 38-12 junker kicking seems like I saw one out in the garage...but please do not expect immediate service as I am pretty busy right now.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Groundhog, perhaps something like this could be made to work? Others smarter than me might know.


A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

Ron, thanks and I'm in no hurry. This radio was bought as a total junker and with the intention of being a "learning experience". Jerry, thanks to you too. I may try something like that, I would guess if the specs were the same, or very close, it would work. I have replaced the 3 bad tubes it had, replaced the missing power cord and rebuilt the dial lamp socket so far. The cabinet I had to totally refinish and re-assemble as it was falling apart. The radio looks pretty good now, just no worky. I'll get there.

The universal oscillator mentioned above will work in the 38-12 - I ran across the same problem with my set and the junker set I bought for parts had an open coil also. Good luck!

Thanks for the info. I am in the process of trying to re-wind that coil. If I screw it up I may order the above. Let you know what happens.

Hey TonyJSenior and jerryhawthorne. Thanks for the tip on that coil. I went ahead and ordered one and installed it this morning, figured it was better than trying to re-wind the old one. The 38-12 now works good. Just change out a couple of more caps and maybe a little bit of alignment and it'll be done.

Glad it worked out well for you. I used one on an early 50s tube radio with no problem.

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

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