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using 12AU7 on 34


It would probably benefit you to read a simple explanation of how Class A/B/AB amp works. Then you'll know the relation of that DC to AC and why. Trust me it is not that complicated.
Also makes sense to familiarize yourself with the principles of the passives including transformers. It always helps to understand what is going on.

Hi All;
I have download a number of good old books and have started to go thru them.. I also got in my Tubes, Yesterday.. My chassis is got two coats of Primer paint and two coats of its final color, and will get two coats of Clear coat, before this weekend is done.. If I do say so myself, it looks real nice, now.. Then I can start re-wiring, section by section.. Starting with the Output Amplifier and the two Transformers..

No such thing as a reliable capacitor cheks for vintage stuff, voltage load not. Pretty much same for carbon resitors. Guilty until prove innocent applies only here.

Hi All;
I am not sure specificially what Codefox is refering to, from my last post.. But, I have most of the Caps and Resistors that are needed for this Radio, this week, I will see where I stand, and If I have enough funds to get anything that I don't have as of yet.. Then I can start the re-building process..

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